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Posts posted by MacVap

  1. Advantages of DNA in Power mode:

    - Precise as f**k (to reach your desired wattage and stay there, regardless of the battery level)

    - Efficiency (most of your battery power goes into vaping, not into the electronics)

    - Good charging (on equal foot as external chargers)

    - Customisability (sp?)

    - (Device) Monitoring

    I use my DNA devices equally in temp mode and in power mode. To not sound like a salesman too much, there are things I don't like:

    - Sometimes temp control is not working as expected (maybe user error)

    - Setups (analyzers) take too long time and are not for the faint of heart; but for power mode you need only Ohm Resistance tester, which is quick and painless, although it requires an additional tool

    - And of course, relative complexity of the software


  2. Feature request:


    Device monitor > when there is already a graph on the screen, regardless if paused or not, if you uncheck one parameter, not to erase the whole screen, but only take that parameter out.


    Often some lines are too close together and I want to inspect one of them closer, so I uncheck the other one and poof! the whole graph is gone.


    At least, that's how it behaves on my DNA75. Depending on the program structure, it might be easy to implement, or impossible. :D


  3. A long time has passed and I've still not done the test. Probably because I mostly use the SMY DNA 75, and that requires frequent battery changes, and I have different types, so I think it would be pointless.

    Or not? That is my next question:

    If I use different types of batteries, would I need to change the battery profile in Escribe every time I change the battery type?

    And another one:

    If I "dress up" my mod in a silicone sleeve, will I need to run Case Analyzer again?

    Both questions apply to DNA 200 and DNA 75, I have both types of devices.

    Thank you in advance.

  4. Bug (or a feature): Case Analyzer in EScribe 1.2 SP5.2 can not detect the device (in my case Hcigar VT75 with 2016-06-05 firmware) when the device is in "sleep mode" - when the screen is off.

    Any attempt to connect to device results in "unable to get version" message.

    I understand this might be inherent to how these devices work, but in this case it's critical to waste as little time as possible in order to avoid heating of the device, so an auto-wakeup feature would be nice, if possible.

    The deep sleep is often a result of a previous attempt to run Case Analyzer, when it couldn't reach the "inputed" temperature for any reason (ambient temperature has risen).

  5. Hello,

    I hope you don't mind me resurrecting an old thread, but I thought it was the most appropriate. I have some questions about the Kanthal test.

    1. Won't the wire be annealled from the heat and collapse down, possibly damaging everything around it? I guess not, since many people had run the test, but in which cases could it happen? What gauge and length would be the safest? I have max 26 AWG. I think that there are two opposing situations here - the wire would need to be longer for cooling, but the danger of collapsing is greater with longer wire.
    2. Also, wouldn't longer wire have too much resistance? What is the acceptable resistance range?

    3. Would twisted wire help or not?

    4. Please remind me what was the recommended starting battery level, I read it somewhere, but I don't know if it was for this test. And I forgot what it was.

    Thank you

  6. P.M. sent to James. Traceroute completed successfully.

    The answer to most of these questions is no, there is no censorship and I don't have any unusual firewalls/browser plugins. In fact, I turned the firewall off for the testing, the behavior is exactly the same. And I tested with several browsers: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera.

    What struck me as odd is the behavior I haven't seen before, no response whatsoever, all browsers just keep on waiting and timeout sooner or later.

  7. Not installed it yet, but the contents of the .exe unpacked fine with 7zip. I actually had that version and I deleted it when I downloaded SP4 thinking that SP4 is a complete install, but hadn't installed it then. I currently have a very old version and I'd need to uninstall it first.

    Since, I don't know, a week ago I can't download from downloads.evolvapor.com, but I still can from www.dimensionengineering.com. And I have downloaded SP4 before, from that thread, but don't know if the link pointed to somewhere else before or not.

  8. Hello world,

    This is my first post and I registered at this forum especially for this question.

    I cannot download EScribe 1.2 SP3 from this thread. The link https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupES250.exe gets redirected to https://evolvapor-downloads.r.worldssl.net/SetupES250.exe and then just dies out (no response from server). Just standing there, no signs of life, not even telling me "F*** you, I won't give you sh**". Nothing. Just ignoring me. I've waited more than half an hour on occasions. I've tried with several browsers, it's all the same. I have no virus/antivirus, firewall doesn't complain, router doesn't complain.

    I have SP4, but it's not the complete software.

    I've cleared CRL lists as I read somewhere in the forum, no change. It's either blacklisting my IP address or it's broken.

    Please advise what to do.


    Edit: Screenshot

    This screenshot was taken at 20:56 hours.

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