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Posts posted by James

  1. soulseek said:

    I don't understand people who adjust wattage. Do you realise how TC works, particularly on the DNA200?

    You can't change the preheat on the device. I'm assuming most people have a higher preheat value than their standard value. Once your device reaches set temperature, the required wattage drops quite low. So for the majority of use cases out there, you can keep changing those Watts all you want, the resulting vape should be exactly the same, the rest is just a placebo effect.

    Temperature protection prevents burnt hits and unsafe temperatures. When you are not vaping, or looking at the screen, yes, this does bring the power level low. (Or if the atomizer design in question is incapable of decent vapor production (wattage) without getting you into unsafe temperatures.) A legitimate use I _have_ seen for hanging out at the temperature limit is targeting particular flavor components that are brought out at specific temperatures.

    The purpose of preheat is to quickly bring the coil up above the boiling point.

    Once boiling, the thermodynamics change. In this region, wattage is _the_ determining factor for maximum vapor production.
  2. No, my VaporShark is working the same as when I bought it. Which means that when I switch between RTAs (which I do frequently to avoid olfactory fatigue), I do the change temperature ritual frequently. My primary hope for an update is the ability to adjust temperature from the "main screen" while in TC mode.

    This is possible in my test version.
    I am however a bit curious: if you are doing this when you switch atomizers, why not use a profile for each atomizer?
  3. Could you please post your EScribe settings? I wonder if there is anything special about them to cause this. When it is in this state, does Cold Ohms change?

    As far as hardware possibilities... One time, I did have a dodgy connection (I had just mashed the wires in for testing) whose Ohms would occasionally bounce to random values (it was losing connection) and the DNA would assume it to be a different coil. 9/30 should lock in the notion of TC after firing though. Does it still show a temperature, or does it switch to the Kanthal display of volts?

  4. eziotroito, does your mod have a mod resistance set?

    If it *is* set but incorrectly and too high, it can cause control instability like this. Of course, if it is too low that can affect the accuracy of TC. It is much more important that your mod manufacturer set this accurately for SS. (If not, you can do it yourself, if you know/can measure it.) Nickel is less sensitive. You may get a better result with a higher-resistance coil, as that reduces the effect of mod resistance being set wrong.

    It isn't a given that this is the problem, but certainly something to make sure of.

    Also, do you have alternative wire you can try? The problem with SS is that (1) its resistance does not change as much as Nickel, and (2) it is an alloy and is not graded by electrical properties. That means not all SS is identical, so the curves may be off.

  5. The battery discharge curve is based on unloaded voltage. The cell soft cutoff is based on loaded voltage.

    When a battery gets very low, it can still sustain voltage, especially if all it has to power is the screen, but as soon as you want it to push 50W, it's really much too drained. Think of it as bench pressing 2 lb vs 200 lb when you're incredibly fatigued. One of the two, the bar is going to stay up. :) Soft cutoff reduces the power the battery is being asked to push so the voltage doesn't drop fast.

    Try monitoring the battery cells while firing in EScribe. You'll see the effect there clearly.

  6. It is safe. The hard cutoff (not configurable) is around that voltage to ensure safety. However, by setting it at that level you may not get meaningful soft cutoff.

    With soft cutoff at 2.8V, when the battery gets very low/weak, instead of the DNA dialing down the power so you can extract the last 10% or so of battery life, it is just going to say Check Battery. And you will have to dial down the power manually.

    It isn't what I'd do. But, to each their own. I'd make it at least 2.9V to get the battery-extending of the soft cutoff.

    People often misunderstand the nature of soft cutoff. If you look at a battery discharge curve, with lines for 1C, 5C, 10C, etc., it isn't saying Check Battery at that voltage. Instead, you'll notice that the lines tend to crater in voltage at a particular mAh. What soft cutoff does is, when the battery is about to fall off at that voltage, it instead goes *horizontally* on that curve, to the right, toward lower C value curves that end at a higher mAh. The battery can't give full power at that point much longer, and if you try it's about empty, so soft cutoff kicks in and gives you a power level it can keep going on. For total battery life soft cutoff is your friend. :) Maybe we should have given it a better name...

  7. The voltages are different between USB and the battery. It's best to use watts and watt-hours where possible, because of conservation of energy (watt-hours).

    To estimate charge times:
    Battery: 0.9Ah x 11.1V=9.99(A x V)h=9.99Wh. Basically a 10 watt-hour battery.
    USB: USB is 5V. At 500mA, 0.5A x 5V=2.5(A x V)=2.5W.

    That's about a four hour charge. At 1A, 5W will take about two hours. It will be a warmer charge at 1A, yes.

    Two things make the charge slower than the estimate above:

    (1) USB is nominally 5V at the charge port, but your USB cable may have some loss. If you look at USB Voltage in EScribe while charging full speed vs. not charging you can see this - the drop is proportional to USB current, V=I x R). This isn't something talked about much -- charging 1A with a lower quality cable that delivers 4V to the device will be 20% slower than a cable that actually gets 5V there. The other 20% is going to heating the room.

    (2) Once the charging voltage of the LiPo reaches 4.2V at any cell, the charger will lower current so as to ensure it does not go over 4.2V while charging. This occurs in the last 20% or so of the charge, and is for safety.

  8. Bobby, what version of EScribe are you experiencing this on? The newest in Early Firmware should fix a good number of locale-related problems. If it does not, that is a bug. :)

    Janggut, do you mean the link at the top or the bottom of the screen? The link at the top is to update the DNA device's firmware. The link at the bottom is to update EScribe.



  9. Does your directory structure (C:\Users\name\) have Unicode (non-Roman alphabet) characters? If so, maybe try installing a newer installer from the Early Firmware thread on top of it. The older installers were not Unicode-enabled, I believe.

    This should not affect the ability to check for updates, only install/uninstall. Unable to launch web browser... Hmm... If you do Windows Key+R and type https://my.evolvapor.com into the Run dialog, does it go to it properly? That's effectively what EScribe tries to do.

  10. Hello Obi,

    I don't speak German, but at 21:30 of your first video, I notice that the mod on the upper right table is consistently low on power.

    The manufacturer should have set a Mod Resistance, but if they did not, it is most noticeable at low resistances such as your 0.27 Ohm. If you set the Mod Resistance correctly, the DNA 200 will deliver extra power to compensate for resistive losses in the mod's 510 connector and wiring. You should get the correct delivered power. This will also improve the accuracy of temperature protection.

    If it is set to 0 on that mod right now, by your table I think it is probably about 0.008 Ohms.

    Thanks for these reviews!


  11. Hmm. It must not have made that new Root Certificate take priority over the built-in, expired one.

    EScribe uses Microsoft's .NET Framework, so underlying web requests use Internet Explorer. If it can't make a secure connection it will fail to connect -- we don't override the default verification. Here's a Windows update that should give you newer root certificates. Hopefully the GlobalSign is among them...


    There was an even newer one, but it appears Microsoft has removed it in their desperately needy attempt to force people to use their new OS...

  12. Hmm. Well, try going to


    selecting Download Root-R1 for "R1 GlobalSign Root Certificate", open the file, and click Install Certificate. I'm pretty sure that one comes preinstalled all the way back to Windows 98 though... (What OS is this running? XP without Service Packs or..?)

    If this does not solve it, do you get these warnings when visiting bank websites etc. as well in MSIE? Try going to the padlock icon at https://www.dimensionengineering.com , View Certificates , Certification Path. It should say GlobalSign, AlphaSSL CA - G2, www.dimensionengineering.com with paper-with-award icons.

  13. Production Utility is the only tool that Login affects, presently. However, if you are having SSL certificate issues, this also affects USB Recovery Charging (I believe), Send Feedback, Report a Bug, Get Information and Restore Defaults. Could you take a screenshot of the security warning? (You get the error on both?) That is the reason it is failing, and if I know the exact issue I can probably give advice on how to resolve it.



  14. Hmm. soulvape, that video shows for the 29th?
    The first e-mail I received from you about translation is indeed earlier, on the 19th (but the link didn't work when I tried it, admittedly a week later - is the 23rd the same link?), and the first from miwu is the 30th.

    Bobby, the "Example Language File.po" is fairly complete I believe. I should probably just rename that one to en\EScribe.po

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