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Steam Crave Hadron Plus/Pro/Mini theme 0.3.15

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Under the 'About This File' heading is where you should explain a few of the features such as;
Any special features that are not noticeable
What's showing on the main screen, (like that bar under the temp, or the bottom row icons) etc.

And then with updates, what you fixed or changed. An update with just 'improvements' is lazy 🙂

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Hey! I came here in the comment to just tell you that in the around 2 weeks will come a new, big update of this theme. I will implement a new, never seen UI.  It will be more simply than it is right now, in my opinion a way easier for people that wasn't DNA users yet. Non-Steam Crave theme is also comming.  To my mind it's gonna be a real revolution in DNA C world. Stay tunned and see you soon in next update! 
PS. Sorry for this anime art in Diagnostics screen, it's just mistake in files (It was for my friend actualy, fix is comming next day) :P

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How to insert a picture of the theme in the category overview page

Edit Detail-Informations of your Theme:

After uploading or updating your ecigtheme-file(s), each time you have to wait a few minutes for the website software to finish the indexing of all the screens, your theme contains.

Then enter the Theme-Description-Page again and:

1. Scroll down until the link "File Options" appears at the bottom left of the theme page and click onto this link

2. In the pop-up that get visible now, click "Edit Details".

3. Make your changes in the description, if needed. Otherwise forward with point 5.

4. Scroll the page down and click in the lower right side of the page onto the blue "Save"-Button.

5. If you can see a preview-picture and a image containing all your theme pages in top of the "Edit Details" page, this is a sign, that the Forum-Software has finished the integration of the tumbnail-preview-pictures of your theme-file.
Now you can scroll down to the block "First Screenshot" and select either the main image or the image what shows all used theme screens in one picture as the main image what you want to get displayed in the topic list and click onto the correspondenting radio-button.
If no such pictures appears in "First Screenshot", you have to wait a little longer and reload the "Edit Details" page in your browser as often, as the preview pictures will appear in the top of page.
Then repeat point 5.

6. If you have successfully chosen a Preview-Picture, click in the lower right side of the page onto the blue "Save"-Button.

This way you can insert your Theme image in the category overview page, because a missing main picture is not really informative for the other visitors. 😉

Kind regard


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Am 31.5.2022 um 19:48 schrieb Nunu:

I will implement a new, never seen UI

In fact - I've really never seen anything like that... But I didn't miss it either.

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