About This File
- deutsch und englisch umschaltbar in einer Bedienoberfläche
- too many details to list them; You will discover them in daily use and you will love them ...
Description_for _translation.txt
See also my other Themes:
Edited by CMK aka gwyar
new description
What's New in Version 09/25/2021 08:03 PM See changelog
- basic mode: The functionality of the basic mode is strongly based on the stick theme; Material change, Ohmlock and the like are not available
- enhanced mode: full control over the mod, taking into account the specifications, REPLAY only with material selection "Watt" and, conversely, TC not with material "Watt".
In enhanced mode I decided to allow a subsequent correction of the output power in REPLAY mode - comparable to TC mode. I think this is more controllable than the "Warmth" function, for which I lack any documentation about the EXACT increase in output power.
In REPLAY mode, the power used is always displayed and can be influenced directly. (IMPORTANT UPDATE: the actual innovation locked the mod in the previously published version due to an copy error on my part.)
In TC mode, instead of the temperature, I also show the power used on the first main screen, as I consider this to be more informative than a calculated temperature.
Some errors within the color schemes have been fixed, the coloring of the highlighted toggles are now also adapted to the color schemes.
With version 09/25/2021 08:03 PM:
- Download