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Possible short

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I have a dna75c squonk and I've had it for about 11 months. I was using it all day yesterday and I  swapped the battery out for a fully charged one. I started smelling the magic blue smoke and the 510 got really hot. I immediately pulled the battery and it was cool to the touch so I don't believe it was the battery. I think it was only shorting when the button was pushed but I didn't have time to figure that out. Does anybody have any idea what happened?

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The board does have short circuit protection that will prevent it from firing below something around 0.08 ohms. That being said there could be a partial short going on where the resistance is is real low but still able to fire. Inspect the 510 socket on both mod and atomizer. Check the mod's 510 for any metal slivers, use a magnifying glass if needed.

Then without an atomizer connect the mod to EScribe and start Atomizer Analyzer. You should get just a ? mark without an atty. Next slowly screw in atomizer the atomizer, if the reading is of expected resistance then try firing it. It is possible in some cases to have the mods 510 positive post short against the atty's 510 negative if off center. Proceed with caution till you get it figured out.

Let us know your results please.

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So I have 2 identical mods and atomizers. I thought I smelled something and kinda thought it was burnt cotton so I switched to my spare RDA. I finally realized what it was and took the RDA off and put it on the other mod and it works as it should. The smoke appeared to be coming from the board and the resistance stayed at .33 ohms with both RDAs. I'll have to inspect it and look for the things you mentioned.

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