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Battery red % icon change

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In which theme? As far as I know, the stock theme doesn't change the icon color...
Otherwise, the color change, or when the color changes and how, is easy to set in the theme designer.

Without a specific theme, posting a screenshot here is pointless.

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On dna 250c the icon on the screen turn red when the battery is low default valur is 20%., I use dna board for short time so dont know a lot of things and on google dont find anything about this. I want to change the value from 20% to 35% so the icon on screen will show red icon low battery warrning. Is this possible on DNA board ?

p.s theme is default evolv from the picture,


Edited by BlackFireDragon
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okay - I still can't see why the battery icon behaves like this, but whatever.

I changed it so that it now appears red at 35% and below.
It is the default theme for the DNA color from the current ThemeDesigner. If your theme deviates from this, you can copy and paste the battery symbol into your theme


StockTheme_with_red_battery_less_35.ecigthemeFetching info...

Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-24 um 22.12.20.png

Edited by CMK aka gwyar
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Thanks for the replay. I was thinking about one thong and write second. I will try explain what need :)

I have problem with my eyes so dont see very well on small things like battery % for me it's like fog. Battery icon during discharge make empty space in battery frame icon. I want to make something when battery will have 35% the frame icon of battery will go darker or red and everything else will stay like it's factory set.

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