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Profile images instead of text? Is it possible?

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Is it possible to have profiles represented by an image instead of text? Or perhaps have an image on the profile screen that changes depending on the profile that is enabled?

I've made a few profiles that are based on builds in certain RDAs that I use, and it would be cool if I could put the RDA logo as the profile name. 

I feel like the answer is no, cause I haven't seen any profiles doing this, but figured it was worth a shot as I am brand new to EScribe.

Thanks in advance!


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Hello - the answer is YES! And it is even very simple, depending on the profile to represent different images.
You can change the image as in the screenshot, all files must have the same dimensions. However, the limited memory size is critical.


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1 hour ago, gwyar said:

Hello - the answer is YES! And it is even very simple, depending on the profile to represent different images.
You can change the image as in the screenshot, all files must have the same dimensions. However, the limited memory size is critical.


Awesome!  Thank you so much!!!! :)

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