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Board DOA


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macz said:

Did you try on a different USB cable or port?

Yup Ive done that as well with trying another pc. Still Nothing atm even ran Escribe as admin even though it wouldnt mater because the usb port is what would power the board to turn it on. Contacted Avid just waiting to here back now. :( 9_9:cry:
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James said:

What happens if you apply power to it? Screen is pushed all the way in?

Nothing at all i have plugged in to 3 different computers now and several different ports still nothing. screen is secured and pushed in 100% even without the screen attached power would still be supplied via charge port correct? through escribe trying to connect just to check all functionalities. i have 5 clicked the power button ect and still nothing any suggestions or is this just a dead board. i have my lipo ready to wire up to test from there if i have to with a direct source of power....
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