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ti vs ni200 in device manager question


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Hi I have been building ni200 coils for awhile and now ti grade 1 with the correct cvs file from steam engine. I noticed how ni200 in device manager on the temperature line spikes up and down once it reaches temp. But when I use ti it looks much more like a line once it reaches temp then spikes. Now the ti wire is working great actually but my question is if that is normal behavior or not. I could post pics once i get home if needed. My guess is that it os working correctly because its just not as accurate at temp control so it doesnt show as many peaks up and down at temp.

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Titanium, for a similar resistance, has a larger diameter, so there is more thermal mass. That means with everything else being equal, it heats up and cools down more slowly and retains more heat. So if the control system is well tuned for the coil, you'll get less fluctuation. 

You shouldn't get much spiking with nickel if you have reasonable settings and airflow, either, though. Maybe post a side by side device monitor sccreenshots?

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