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Screen very very dim

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blueridgedog said:

You are too skilled.  Put the broken screen back on and email the help desk for the swap.  

You are too kind. The hardest part was opening the case. Literally. I had to get my Snap On screwdriver to get the case screws out. 

I was tempted but I didn't want to take one of the reference mods from someone that might actually need a swap. The v200 is pretty close to the reference mod and mine's a pretty blue :D
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Considering how everybody and his bruddah are making mods with the screen bent over to appear between the buttons how about a DNA 200A with the screen permanently embedded in a frame on the board in that location? Eliminate the long cable and fiddly placement altogether.

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  • 3 years later...

Would just like to say, my screen on my DNA200 did the exact same thing. It's SUPER dim and it lights up when I fire but only when I fire. So I went searching and found this thread. I have an old Hotcig DNA200 and it's the only mod I have left that's still functional. I've been using it for years and thought it was done. Well thanks to this thread, I tore it apart, and found the same problem with the fire button screwing up the ribbon cable, which makes sense now. The only reason it works when it fires is that cable is making contact when the button slams into it. 10lbs in a 5lb box syndrome. Thanks for keeping this thread around, it saved my DNA. Now I just need a screen.

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