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Samsung 30Qs?

Podunk Steam

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  Podunk Steam said:

I generally like a little more head space but my thoughts have been the Samsung 30Q could be a nice battery for a 133 watt build. HG2s have been pretty much neck and neck with the Q other than voltage favored to the Qs, this is why I thought they might be just a shade better.
Any thoughts?


I'm using BestKalint (who? what?) I got at Fastech for about 5 bucks a pop.  The description says 20A continuous, 40A peak, 2,800 mAh (and a partridge in a pear tree).  They will definitely do 20A "continuous" (chain vape timing of "continuous") without getting warm and I get about 2,300 mAh, even at the high discharge rates we use.

One thing about high end batteries is it is hard (for me at least) to tell if they're genuine, so I went with a pig in a poke brand no one has ever heard of figuring if they tested unacceptably below the stated description I could return them.
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Yeah, I've never heard of those and the labeled specs likely would have been something I would just ignored. Sad the way higher end names or statements of better quality can often be nothing but a farsity. Just had a customs pay extra for a higher resolution 3D print. It sounds as though the print company changed the orientation of the print to lower the prints production time and totally jacked up my customers print. Today's market place can be frustrating as hell especially when you have third party software and every other lame cop out to fall back to gain a flipping profit. No graphs or anything on the batteries you've mentioned though I'd imagine?

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  Podunk Steam said:

Yeah, I've never heard of those and the labeled specs likely would have been something I would just ignored. Sad the way higher end names or statements of better quality can often be nothing but a farsity. Just had a customs pay extra for a higher resolution 3D print. It sounds as though the print company changed the orientation of the print to lower the prints production time and totally jacked up my customers print. Today's market place can be frustrating as hell especially when you have third party software and every other lame cop out to fall back to gain a flipping profit. No graphs or anything on the batteries you've mentioned though I'd imagine?


No graphs.  It's just a Chinese wrap of one of the big battery house batteries from apparently one of the better grade sort barrels.  The info they did provide is a fantasy.  Anyway, I'm sure the discharge curve is just an IMR or IMR hybrid.  I'm not really into the battery end so my assessment is they don't seem to want to explode and last a while before needing a charge -- good enough lol.  

As a point of reference, they do seem to perform better than my 25Rs -- the 25Rs do get warm and I don't remember exactly what I get out of them but time wise it's less vaping.  Although as mentioned, how do I know the 25Rs are genuine lol.  I did buy the 25Rs from "reputable" vendors but they get duped too.
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I'm no battery head myself and that's the reason I started this thread. It seemed to make sense to me that the 30Qs would be a favored choice because of the slightly higher voltage than the HG2s. The head space I mention was an off thought thinking about amperage draw of the 200 watts not 133. Sounds like your 25s mighy be middle aged or someone's rewraps. I just had some delivered and they do better than my new MXJOs that are second shelf HE2s to the best of my knowledge. Something like 25Rs I see as a bit overkill in the 133 configuration considering they should be capable of nearly twice the amperage draw of the 200 watt configuration.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The 30Q and HG2, is currently the best batteries.The bad news however is that their capacity as discharge rate, no more than 8C at best.This means that in discharges of 20 Amps, will have almost give discharge to VTC5A, but better than the VTC5 - 25 R - HE2 / 4.Personally I think that is the best the market that can do someone a Li-Ion batteries.In many shops these batteries have the best price from VTC5A which is smaller 500mAh.My opinion of course that is better, but the tests have been done, this show.

The temperature gave these two batteries , however , it was much smaller than the VTC5A and that means better security and indeed new , improved technology batteries.I believe that the 30Q and HG2, with minimal differences are not worthy of the comparison.They are both leading .
My opinion of course that is better, but the tests have been done, this show.
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