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Issues with VS DNA 200


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Well... I'm in my third VS... After the previous two died. 

All of them are from the same time (10-15-15), but this time my issues are different:
- Fire button needs too much pressure to be activated, at least compared to Ipv4 or Siglei 100w... Am i being too picky? Many times i block the device because it interrupts while firing 5 times in a row. Any of you having similar problem? I Need to press fire button and apply a bit of extra force for it to fire, after the "click"

Even with extreme caution rubberized finish is coming out, and also in points without any friction.

In a 50$ device "I could live with that", but this is a VS DNA200...

Will i have to go to 4th device? o.O

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yoseff said:

Well... I'm in my third VS... After the previous two died. 

All of them are from the same time (10-15-15), but this time my issues are different:
- Fire button needs too much pressure to be activated, at least compared to Ipv4 or Siglei 100w... Am i being too picky? Many times i block the device because it interrupts while firing 5 times in a row. Any of you having similar problem? I Need to press fire button and apply a bit of extra force for it to fire, after the "click"

Even with extreme caution rubberized finish is coming out, and also in points without any friction.

In a 50$ device "I could live with that", but this is a VS DNA200...

Will i have to go to 4th device? o.O

sounds like the fire button is starting to fail. as for the finish peeling off that's what VS's do. the two i have (dna40) have always been sleeved so the finish is still perfect. still under warranty? i'd say don't give up yet. give it one more shot with the VS dna200. it's the only dna200 board out there with on board 2 amp charging, which is a plus on my book. also, look into a silicone sleeve for the new one.
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