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wrong resistance?


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just got my VS DNA200 back from having a new board put in it due to the original frying itself. now the new board seems to be having issues with showing the correct resistance using Ni200. my build shows .12 on my rDNA40 and fires fine on that but if i switch it over to the 200 its showing anywhere from .09-.10 and doesnt fire correctly. escribe is showing my resistance as normal .098 and raw ohms as .105 give or take. in order to get the atty to fire correctly i have to fire it and unscrew the atty, fire the device without the atty attached, then screw the atty back on and fire for it to ask for a new device and hope that its around the .12 ohms then lock it in. any idea on whats happening here?

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mylt1 said:

just got my VS DNA200 back from having a new board put in it due to the original frying itself. now the new board seems to be having issues with showing the correct resistance using Ni200. my build shows .12 on my rDNA40 and fires fine on that but if i switch it over to the 200 its showing anywhere from .09-.10 and doesnt fire correctly. escribe is showing my resistance as normal .098 and raw ohms as .105 give or take. in order to get the atty to fire correctly i have to fire it and unscrew the atty, fire the device without the atty attached, then screw the atty back on and fire for it to ask for a new device and hope that its around the .12 ohms then lock it in. any idea on whats happening here?

Yep i get that in my HCigar VT200.

Pain in the back side 
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