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Temperature control and low ohms


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OK need someone to help me understand this I am at present using a 0.11 TITANIUM coils in my borase RTA 24 GA . Puch set at 100 watts temp set at 480 D F now I see on the screen 3.94 volts at first witch if I am figuring right is 35.82 amps only for a split second then drops to 2.78 and lower that is still 72.26 watts at 25.27 amps and it is working great but I do not want to hurt the board I only started to pay attention to this when I up dated my attys that seem to need more heat to work I was using 22 GA and but was having a hard time getting up to temperature setting it was doing a good job staying in the 430 /450 range I started running the temperature up now 470/530 24 GA TI I enjoy it much more it's all most like I am pushing the board to its max if any one could help me to understand this better . It would be nice thanks

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dwcraig1 said:

The board is spec'd at 50 amps continuous output and 55 amps burst, you are well under that.

thanks I was unaware of that little embarrassed I had my mind stuck on input amps not output changes everything the board is not even working hard were I us it
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