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Ti1 aka Titanium - Final thread - settings, information, sujestions.


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Hello Vapers! :thumb:

We all have had DNA chip for some time already and we all have tested different features of Evolv. Let's share our experience with everyone.

After reading  almost all the topics about Ti1, I didn't find any understandable information about the settings in Evolv. Everybody write about their builds, but building spaced coils is easy, what is hard - to adjust the right settings of preheat power, punch, time limit, watts.

I have LavaBox for half a year, I tried building TC coils - different coils, different settings and have had just confusion and frustration about it. I always go back to Kanthal. But I do want to understand this topic. It's annoying, when you're able to build good only with some types of wire :)

1. Please share settings that worked the best for you - let's collect all relevant information in one place.

2. Information and sujestions - we all know that we shouldn't dry burn those coils hard. But what about sujestions of wicking, differences of builds in RDA and RTA? Share your experience and we all be grateful.

3. Share your experience about ohms - which ohms worked the best for you with Ti1.
Maybe you know whats the difference in performance with different ohms? SHARE! :)

4. Please DO NOT post here replies like - "i have 24 guge, double coil, 2.5 mm, 6 - 7 wraps and I'm happy with it". Posts like those doesn't actually give enough information... even if you add - "I vape it on 50watts". NOT enough information, bro! :)) SETTINGS!!!

5. Once, Jaquith shared files for different wires, but those links doesn't work now. Please, anyone share active links with as much files as you've collected so far - for all the TC wires!!!

6. I saw many sujestions for people that vape on claptons, twisted and other "complicated" wires - but hey, not everyone is doing that - I don't for example. Maybe some day I will, but now for example, I need to understand how to have a calm nice vape on my TC :))      

We all will be grateful for sharing your expirience Vaper! :)   Welcome! :)

(P.S. - English is not my native language - I'm sorry for my possible mistakes!)

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Ok, I'll start. After many many experiments. I've come to something that is more or less decent vape for me.

- Usually, with Kanthal, I'm using parallel 28/27 gauge, dual coil, 2 mm, 5 - 7 wraps - 0.3 - 0.16 ohms. - Vaping on 30 - 38 watts.
- cotton - Cotton Bacon
- Using Griffin 22mm RTA or Mutation V4 RDA.
- using LavaBox

To this kind of vaping, with Ti, worked more or less fine:

- 26 Gauge, 2.5 mm, 7 wraps, 0.15 ohm, dual coil build
- coils are pretty high on the build deck,
- Using Griffin 22mm RTA 
- using LavaBox
- cotton - Cotton Bacon - pretty dense in the coils
- profile in Evolv - Titanium 1
- Power 50watt, 460 F, Preheat power - 100W, Preheat punch - 2.2, Preheat time - 3s

Will be grateful for other good setting for MY type of vaping.

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