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Falling apart..


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  VapingBad said:

Just return the board to Evolv in the usual way.

I don't work for Evolv and didn't post anything to you, but there is not a solution other than properly removing and re-fixing the inductor and it's the kind of job where if you need to ask how, best let someone with the right tools do it.  The pads are beneath the inductor, the inductor will act as a big heat sink when soldering and without the right tools it would be too easy to overheat the board or end up with a dry joint.

thanks at least I know its name I have no desire or abilities even beginning to replace one with that said ever since os 2 xx I have noticed higher board Temps not much never hit 98 D F before now 108 and I have burning at the base of the inductor it gave me warranty message and the fuse is still good that's the board I tried to pop the inductor loose on that one I believe would break the board first thanks for you help
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