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Possibly blown fuse or bad battery VaporShark Dna 200?


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i was wondering if this is a bad fuse or bad battery, because i just replaced the battery.
i get the message warranty service. and when i go to device monitor, and this what it looks like.


The board works fine when the battery is unplugged, as fine i mean when its disconnected from the mod and just plugged in through the usb.

i would just check the fuse but, i cant get to it because its on a thick plastic mounting piece, i don't want to risk breaking the board to get it off.

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does look like a blown fuse. only way to be sure is to check the fuse's continuity or lack of with a DM (digital multimeter). or send it back, if it's still under warranty.

double check your main positive and negative connections. make they are both fully snapped in and making good connection. same goes for the balance tap connector. was the mod working/vaping before you replaced the battery? 


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  • 6 months later...

Hello to all of Evolv forum! 
i would add my feedback to this thread because i am currently having (apparently) exactly the same problem with my DNA200 Hcigar VT200.
I used my device which is almost new, only a couple of times (battery charged only once); the mod was working fine: in TC, moderate preheat, i'd say pretty standard working conditions.. when all of a sudden it stopped vaping and started showing this message: "warranty service".
I thought it could have been because of a faulty battery pack: as when monitoring the box by Escribe i got an analogous monitor summary as Mattbtw did (0V pack) also, in this condition the bandgap assumes a value of around 1.11 
So i replaced the battery with a new one but the device just keeps from working and the same advice "warranty service" appears.
The box doesn't charge the battery and doesn't do anything else than showing the message (tried also hard/soft reboot.. updating firmware and so on but it didn't help) 
It seems that the device brings back to life when disconnected from the battery pack and connected by usb to Escribe.
This way the "warranty service" message disappears and the normal DNA200 display (Temp/logos/watts indications and key functionality restored) comes back (only thing i did not try is to vape under this condition). In this "operative mode" the bandgap reads 1.08
As a sidenote i add that previously than this error i never unmounted or opened the case of my box, not even updated the firmware.. it didn't drop or suffer any other kind of damage
hope someone can help me to understand where things went wrong
thanks in advance for you help
Kind regards 

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welcome markof1981. the board needs to be replaced most likely. the warranty service message means it's failing self checks during start up and it's running out of spec. as to what caused it, who knows. any number of variables. you can check the fuse with a DMM to see if it's still good. i had a couple boards display that message i managed to kill. all is fine with just usb but as soon as i connected the battery the warranty service message would pop up. if the fuse is good, open a help ticket with evolv....


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  ChunkyButt200 said:

welcome markof1981. the board needs to be replaced most likely. the warranty service message means it's failing self checks during start up and it's running out of spec. as to what caused it, who knows. any number of variables. you can check the fuse with a DMM to see if it's still good. i had a couple boards display that message i managed to kill. all is fine with just usb but as soon as i connected the battery the warranty service message would pop up. if the fuse is good, open a help ticket with evolv....



Hello! Thanks for the help!
i would add another weird thing... don't know if this solved the problem but good to share it i guess......
last night after some thoughts i decided to reopen the case of the box and also to remove the metallic frame which divides the battery slot of the Hcigar VT200 from the space where the DNA200 board is allocated (hope you can figure out what i am referring to)..
i visually checked the fuse (i'm abroad and don't have a DMM with me) .. well the fuse seemed to be ok.. then i decided to reconnect the old battery pack to the DNA200 without the metallic frame. BAM! it got back working.. yet i don't know if this really solved all the problems (it would seem the issue was a soft short due to the frame..........who knows!)
but the mod is back charging the battery and the "warranty service" message disappeared.
if i connect the mod to escribe now it actually shows a voltage relevant to the overall battery pack and not just 0V.....
old battery, for some reason was unbalanced and left it charge all the night this way.. i charged it by a wall charger (got from my smartphone which by default should ensure a current of 1A i think and i guess this is by default the value the board should take)
strange thing is that the led indicator of the board indicated an almost fully charged battery.. that actually wasn't the case.
all the cells are now balanced but with low charge of 3.4V or something.. i now reduced by escribe the usb charging current to 0.1A and the led indicator of the board displays an empty battery... think this is weird.....
but i'll try to recharge the battery this way, hope i can manage to keep back this battery to life
i keep you posted about what will happen
Kind regards
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glad to hear you got it working again. who knows, you could of had a piece of metallic "something" caught between that battery/board divider shorting the board and when you took it out it dislodged and allowed the board to work properly. why would you reduce the current to 100ma's? i would leave it at 1 amp and let the pack charge. you're not really helping anything by lowering the usb current available for charging. you have to figure you're boosting 5v*1a (usb) = 5w   up to 12.6v (pack voltage) 5w/12.6v = 0.396825397 amps the battery sees for charging. (it's actually even less. you have to account at least 1w for losses.).

make sure your watt hours is set correctly. my vt200 3s pack came to 11.27 wh's. if your battery bar doesn't come back try a soft reboot.

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  ChunkyButt200 said:

glad to hear you got it working again. who knows, you could of had a piece of metallic "something" caught between that battery/board divider shorting the board and when you took it out it dislodged and allowed the board to work properly. why would you reduce the current to 100ma's? i would leave it at 1 amp and let the pack charge. you're not really helping anything by lowering the usb current available for charging. you have to figure you're boosting 5v*1a (usb) = 5w   up to 12.6v (pack voltage) 5w/12.6v = 0.396825397 amps the battery sees for charging. (it's actually even less. you have to account at least 1w for losses.).

make sure your watt hours is set correctly. my vt200 3s pack came to 11.27 wh's. if your battery bar doesn't come back try a soft reboot.


last night i went on a bit experimenting .. i thought the metal frame could short the board in any point leading to the warranty error message, so.. what i did next was to cover the frame with some electrical tape to avoid any undesired metal contact between this latter and the board, then i mounted back the frame in the box case.. well, not such a success like was hoping: i'd say i "pretty randomly" obtained the warranty error message again.. this thing puzzled me a bit...
i tried several times mounting and unmounting the frame, *gently adding* some tape on the board itself to avoid other possible contacts.. someway (would like to be more precise than this but at now this variable is beyond control....) i managed to place back the frame, mount back the old battery without having the error message. really wonder why sometimes i got it, other times not.... (anyway at any time i got the message i always read 0V for the overall battery voltage in the Escribe device monitor)
so tonight i tried again to fully charge the old battery, which was finally balanced.   
btw i was scared it could have been damaged or faulty... as somewhere i read the charge current rate should be reduced, in these cases, to avoid battery overheating... i am really new to lipos.... 
now i really think this battery pack is someway faulty (after only one single charge), as the charge rate (even after pack was balanced) raises and drops very quickly, also the single cells voltage reading raises and drops pretty madly.. good thing the device balancer seems to be correctly working, charging circuit probably too
my battery is set to 14.43wh (Hcigar hint) hope it's correct cause i still didn't have occasion to run the battery analyzer
tonight later on i will try the new battery pack, we'll see what will happen...
in the mean time i opened a support ticket, waiting for the Evolv staff reply..
not redundant to say i *greatly* appreciate your infos and feedback! :)
Thanks, to updfate the forum with my experience
Kind regards
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Hello all,
then i finally tried the new battery pack (standard Hcigar replacement for the VT200) .. think i am still in the middle of nowhere unluckily
as just got the pack installed the device didn't even turn on when firing, had to connect by USB to Escribe to have it on. The battery seems ok and monitoring it by computer lead to normale values of a brand new pack as for the cells voltages and overall pack voltage and charge as well.
Didn't got the warranty service message yet, the thing is that differently from the other faulty pack, with the new one the box seems unable to regulate the charge current as it establishes to a value of 1A at the very beginning, then starts bouncing back between values of 0.1A and even lesser (charge bow comes and goes every second)
I think i tried everything with this mod, if anyone has a suggestion or a clue about what's going on where i went wrong .... that would be very welcome
I was just loving this mod,,,
btw Eric answered my ticket, think i am to send my box back to Evolv for an RMA
Kind regards

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  • 1 month later...
  rastapharoah said:

Have you fixed this issue yet?

I was having problems with my Vaporshark battery, but running the battery analyzer seemed to fix it.


In my case it seemed to me something involving the board more than battery itself (mod did not work even with a new battery)
i sent my DNA to Evolv... waiting for their answer (and keeping fingers crossed)
Kind regards 
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  • 2 weeks later...
  rastapharoah said:

Have you fixed this issue yet?

I was having problems with my Vaporshark battery, but running the battery analyzer seemed to fix it.


I received back my VT200 box yesterday from US, Evolv swapped the faulty old board with a new one and brought my box back to life .. everything for free! don't know exactly what bad happened to it but REALLY want to thank all Evolv staff and specially to Eric and Nick.
You're great guys! Really standing after your name!!
Big thumbs up to you all!!
Kind regards
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