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"Ohms to high"


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Hey guys. Just after some help here. 

Using 2 Samsung 30qs brand new.

Basically when i get down to like 5-10% battery il get "Ohms too high" and have to change batteries. 

Im only vaping at 55w 0.47 claptons. 

How comes im unable to drain my baterries to flat?

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The % you are seeing on the device screen is an estimation of the battery level, based on the battery settings...that message is the board letting you know that there is not enough battery left for the wattage you have the device set for...

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DanRyder87 said:

Oh right, So ohms too high is basically telling me my batteries are flat? Thanks alot. I thought i had a dodgy mod/ batteries. Was on the cusp of selling this dual 18650 boxer and getting a triple. Lol

Kinda...not necessarily flat, but not enough battery left to maintain the wattage you have the device set for...
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Thats up to you, it was obtained by running the battery analyzer in Escribe... and I always run the analyzer a few times per set of batteries to give them a chance to wake up...you can save your currenst .csv file in case you want to revert back to it...just click on 'Save CSV' in the Mod tab & give it a name...

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