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  1. On the way back from the hospital today it was sitting on the dash and I had the window rolled down. I was giving my mom directions she took a left turn to fast and it rolled out the window and landed on the road. I had to stop traffic to keep them from running it over. The batteries popped out, I broke my favorite drip tip and scuffed it all to hell. So I'm not having the best luck out of it either way you go haha.jisy thought I'd share. I said damn the boost all together turned it off and cranked the wattage up to 165. It's doing better like that. Thanks again for your help. Have a good one.
  2. Alright man cool, I did change coil, it's the same exact build and I change them about once a month but I usually throw the new ones in and it usually vapes the same but I'll do that man, and I would care if the watts matched as long as it still hit the same and it usually does. I was just trying to trouble shoot it, cuz I really ain't getting a good vape anymore. I actually built another set of coils already to see if maybe I messed those up but that didn't help either, but thanks for your help man I will keep tinkering around until I get it right!
  3. Then if I turn the punch up high so the watts end up the same. I get burnt hits. When I leave it the same I get a much cooler hit than used to to. So idk has me stumped
  4. I'm not sure though, because as I said I've use the same settings with the same build for months. I have wattage set to 146. I have boost set to 6. It was dialed in perfectly for me. When I would check the puff info. It always said around 165 to 173 watts. Now on the same settings when I check puff info it only gets me to like 156. You can tell it's not hitting the same. So I'll clean everything up. When I get back from the hospital I will post the screenshots you ask for.
  5. Oh ok, cool. I thought I had messed with it in escribe or something and changed it to 22, but I couldn't find anyway to fix it because it only say 11 on escribe. Well I'd say that's the problem.and I got it figured out. When I get home from the hospital. I'll clean my atomizer and everything like the other guy suggested. I watched a jai haze video and he explained the wattage boost incorrectly. That's why I thought u set wattage boost and it affected all the other profiles. I still can't explain why I can't get the same vape I was getting before, but I'd say it's on my and not the mod. Thanks
  6. Now the wattage boost profile doesn't change anything, also if I set the punch on 1 it jumps up to.190 when I fire and if i sent it on 11 its still jumps up to 190. It's like it's either all the boost or I just turn it off no matter what I set it on.
  7. Do you know how the boost works. I thought the profile that says wattage boost controlled the amount of boost, and that seemed to worked before, but not the wattage boost profile doesn't change anything I can set it on 1 watt all the way to 200 and it doesn't effect the boost. When I change the punch it does. I thought punch was only supposed to go from 1-11. Mine goes to 22
  8. No, it's ni80, just using wattage. Everything matches up besides the current/amps that being sent to the atomizer. I am on the way back from the hospital visiting my dad, when I get home I can send a screenshot, but i don't think it will show temperature because it's ni80
  9. this is like my third dovpo riva dna250c, i dropped my last one and broke so i bought a new one i liked it so much. this one was working flawlessly until about a week ago. I use the same build on the same wattage with the same juice, constantly. a week or so ago i started getting a noticeable drop in vapor production and throat hit. I looked at the diagnostics on the screen and everything looked fine, but when i hooked it up to escribe and used device monitor, i get a competely different value for the current out put when i fire. than what it says on the screen of the device in diagnostics. On the mod screen, it says im get 38.3 amps when i fire. on escribe its says 23.3 amp. i restored it to default settings it doesnt fix it. can anyone help me. i wrote evolv a couple emails for help... havent gotten a reply yet.
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