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Everything posted by Br114nAcc

  1. thanks for letting me see,mine looks about the same, so that is normal as long as the cotton isn't turning black? and i'll try running it at the watts u said because now i have a spaced 7/6 wrap dual coil with .75 twist pinch and same 28aug ss316L came out to .11 this time i think i might have made the cotton a bit too thin lol it's leaking like hell when i hit it, and i saw from an old reddit post that with my mod if you make the coils a bit taller it can help with flavor, and that definitely unlocked the flavor for me. thanks for the help with the coil building! cheers from texas!
  2. also no i am definitely new, i just did all my research and all of that before really starting to build and i learn really quick, i have been doing it for about 2 years and just started to spin my own coils, but now my problem is the heat capacity because everything seems to be working well, but my coils all ramp up too slow unless i make one with a resistance that is too low for what would be safe with my batteries even through a regulated mod, cdr*3 or maxW/#B~>#Watt/2/3.09/.95
  3. i should have taken a picture, the brown color that should be on ss316L turned to dark grey meaning something was causing my coils to burn, yet the cotton was only light caramel at the edges of the wicks and was only clear in the middle of the wicking, along with that i do use spaced coils because i find the whole hot spot process for ss very annoying and tedious since u have to glow it dark but i agree i think that probably would help, but my problem is that with 28aug the resistance is always really low, i want a .2-.3 coil without having to build a really long coil. should i try using a different type of wire since ss has the highest density out of commonly used wires
  4. so should i build a bigger ID for my coils is really what i am asking like what is the problem with the 10 1/2 wrap and the ID how do those effect the cotton?
  5. and i have a lack of flavor and cloud production and have to hold it down for a hit before aftually getting a good hit
  6. That's the thing it is showing a normal puff n what not from my mod but with the atty it is slowly ramping up the thing, so what you're saying is my mod settings aren't the problem, my problem is the atty and how can i have better coil building because i am new to it and don't really understand what to look for in a vapable coil like on steam engine everything is always a high heat capacity, but when i try my coils normally they are usually fine just ramp up a bit slow, i agree with you now knowing that my mod is reading normal, my problem is with the coils i am building. But are you saying that my coil is too dense or are you saying it is not dense enough for the cotton to keep up, my problem is my coils will often burn before the cotton does.
  7. but when tightening it i did chip a bit of the 510 gold plating off and a bit of the screw port chipped could that be it?
  8. my rta has a flat head screw in the botton, i tightened it when i got it, is it adjustable it is a dead rabbit rta v3 or id it to take out for a squonk pin this is why i tightened it but if it is adjustable maybe that is why
  9. and no I do not usually vape at 500F I usually do 420F-480F but those are all really cold and before I put it on the monitor I was testing out where it would become a warm vape, but yes 54 is normally my watts
  10. Here you go @dwcraig1, I don't know if this is normal or not but i selected the same things and the first hit is without boost the next ones after the first hit are with boost all in watt boost mode (just to get rid of extra confusion added on due to TC.
  11. I dont understand why this is happening, but whenever i fire any coil i have to fire it once without hitting it then on the second hit it actually is vapable. The first hit always produces a lack of flavor and a really low amount of clouds in relation to what the build has performed on other mods such as yihi. When i try turning the wattage up, it just burns my coils, cotton, and juice. When i have my coils at the correct watts or temp they always come out cold. I was wondering what might be the problem. My current coil is a .36ohm, 2 strand twisted, 28awg, SS316L, dual coil built in a deadrabbit rta v3 which should be running at 65w but starts losing flavor and tasting burnt around 63.5w and lower than that, 54.5 is where i sit right now. Although that is a nice temp and power for me, there is a lack of flavor and it takes 2 hits to finally ramp up to the flavor and clouds it should be getting at that amount of power. Even when i try using preheat in temp and punch in power it still has no perfect place. turning either up to the max will cause my coil and cotton to burn yet still ramp up slow
  12. Version 1.0.4


    This is a Flavorful remake of @Magigamix 's digital landscape 1.0.2 and is made in a great new chocolaty display tone that is warmer to the eyes and the stomach. Digital-Landscape-Chocolate-Edition1.0.3.ecigtheme
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