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Posts posted by Animate0878

  1. 7 hours ago, BillW50 said:

    Maybe not. The DNA250 also sports reverse battery protection while the DNA200 does not.

    Oh I didn't realize that. Luckily I haven't had any mishaps yet, but having a failsafe with the newer models is definitely a must-have feature.

    I have noticed that hotkey before when I first started relying on Device Monitor to fire my mod. I was really hoping there was one for "instantaneous fire"? I guess. I may try to set up something with autohotkey in the mean time before I settle on replacing or repairing my board. Thanks for the heads-up!


    In the unlikely even someone else is in the same position as I am currently, hopefully the following will help.

    I've created an autohotkey script to solve the "Fire" button issue. It's very hacky, but it does the job.


        eScribe must be installed and Device Monitor needs to show up in the Start Menu under "Escribe"

        The board must be connected to the computer BEFORE you run the autohotkey script; so it shows up within the "Connect" dialogue.

        The "minimal window" (example attached to the post) can't be too small or the "Fire" button won't be pressed properly.

    What the script does:

    The first part of the script just makes sure the Device Monitor is open and sets some options.

    1. Opens the Device Monitor application

    2. Presses enter on the "Connect" dialogue ( Presses OK )

    3. Maximizes the Device Monitor window

    4. Clicks the "Buttons" button on the lower right

    5. Returns the window to the previous size "minimal window"

    6. Minimizes the window to the taskbar

    The second part does a few things when you press and hold the "F12" key

    1. Saves the currently active window and mouse position

    2. Opens the "minimal window" for Device Monitor

    3. Moves the mouse to the "Fire" button, then clicks and holds the left mouse button until you release F12

    4. Returns back to the window you had focused before pressing F12, and at the same cursor position

    5. Minimizes the Device Monitor window again

    The autohotkey script is below: ( Change <username> to your windows user )

    Process, Exist, EScribe.exe; check to see if EScribe.exe is running
    If (ErrorLevel = 0) ; If it is not running
    	Run, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Escribe\Device Monitor ; Run Device Monitor shortcut
    	WinWaitActive ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Wait for the "Connect" window to become active
    	ControlSend, WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad12, {Enter},,,, ; Press the "Enter" key within the "Connect" window to select the "OK" button
    	WinWaitActive ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Wait for the "Device Monitor" window in small mode to appear again
    	WinMaximize ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Maximize that window
    	ControlClick, WindowsForms10.STATIC.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad196, ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1,,,, ; Within maximized window press the "buttons" text on bottom right
    	WinRestore ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Then restore the window to previous size
    	WinMinimize ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Then minimize the window
    ActWin := WinActive("A") ; Capture the active window
    MouseGetPos, InitX, InitY ; Capture mouse position
    WinActivate, ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Make the "Device Monitor" window active
    CoordMode, Mouse, Client ; Set mouse mode to client window"
    MouseMove, 12, 30, 0 ; Move mouse to top-right of the "Fire" button
    ControlClick, WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad126, ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1,,,, D ; Click and hold mouse Left on the "Fire" button
    KeyWait, %A_ThisHotkey% ; Wait for the key to be released
    ControlClick, WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad126, ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1,,,, U ; Release mouse Left
    WinActivate, ahk_id %ActWin% ; Reactivate the previously captured window
    MouseMove, %InitX%, %InitY%, 0 ; Return the mouse cursor to previous position
    WinMinimize ahk_class WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.34f5582_r7_ad1 ; Minimize the "Device Monitor" window

    The attached photo of the "minimal window" is just to demonstrate how small you can make the window and still be able to activate the "Fire" button.


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  2. 42 minutes ago, Wayneo said:

    I don't know the part # for that actuators, but they're easy to take apart and clean. Metal housing, then rubber nipple, then like a washer, leaving only the soldered part. You might want to open a help desk ticket for the part #.

    The 250 gives you 2A charging (color and non color).

    Thanks! I will open a ticket about the microswitch, but I'll try cracking open the switch and cleaning as well. The 2A charging feature seems pretty useful, but in my case I'm using the board with 2x 21700 cylindrical cells, so I just swap them out to charge anyway; most likely that upgrade would be wasted on me. I sincerely appreciate the feedback!

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  3. 8 hours ago, Wayneo said:

    Oh nice! I didn't realize the DNA boards came down in price since I bought my old DNA200.

    At this point I could probably spring a few more dollars for the DNA250C. Though I'd have to redesign my mod again. Or I guess I could just pick up a new screen for $10 and solder on a new microswitch in lieu of replacing the board too. But that color screen sure is nice.

    Not sure which would be better in the end. Thanks a lot for the reply!

    As an aside, is there any technical documentation for the microswitch footprints used on the boards? Getting ahold of a BOM or at least a part number for the switch would be nice.

  4. Is there any documentation official or otherwise regarding keybindings for the Escribe software? I'm aware of a few since I'm already using device monitor to control my DNA200. Since both the display and the fire button are no longer working I'm enabling the fire, up, and down buttons in the monitoring window and using that to control the mod. But being able to trigger the fire button in the device monitor with a keyboard key would be amazing if there's any way to do it.

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