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Everything posted by BlackFireDragon

  1. Thanks for the replay. Today my friend check the battery with multimetter and said the same thing ;/ I was also afreid that dna board can be demage or something can be wrong but from your message assume board is fine and this is a huge stone from my chest. Battery replace is not a big issue. Few hoyuers ago order new and should come with 3 weeks. To my last message. I was sure that battery is ok and issue is in diffrent place but ut was diffrent. I want to say thank you for both of you for help.
  2. For strange Reason cant edit previous post. @retird agree but Hadron plus use dual 4200 mah high drain batteries and charge via usb port from pc. Next the micro usb port on 250c color from read before charge 3A so this brick is max that dna board can handle I'm no expert on lipo or batteries but 4% is not 0 so the charge shoild start and dna board should have balance charge . p.s forget to write from what read online before buuying this mod. Recommended lipo charging power is 1A recommended max is 2A and 3A charge can demage life time battery. So the brick should be more then enogh to charge it. Even if 3A will be split per cell this give on 2A 0,5A and on 4A will be 0,75A after 50min charge should give 1% at minimum. On the photo power is at 0 ;/
  3. Thanks for the replay. The ss from device monitor.
  4. Hello this is my first post . have issue with my Hadron Pro mod today i get him from shelf and wanted to charge the battery becose it was disconnected for some time. Mod show me the battery have 4% so plugged the cable to mod and pc and mod dont show lightnong bolt and dont carge after few seconds battery show from 4% a )% when cable was disconneted the mod show again 4%. I was thinking mayby cable is bad so get the cable from nitecore UMC2 charger dont help so next it was updathe the firmware dont help also. I start to be suprise so get the 3A nitecore brick Charger and connect it via cable to mod also mod dont charge and show after few seconds 0% battery when cable/charger is disconneted show again4%. Few times also disconneted the battery from board dont do nothing ;/Restore to the defults with build in battery and later external also dont fix the issue. Someone have a idea what is going on with this mod. Few minutes ago mod dont want to read the resistance from ragner but on evening or today morining this was not an issue.
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