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Everything posted by BlackFireDragon

  1. Yep battery come unplugged. If you plug both connectors and still have issue like someone write in this thread battery have dead one of cells and must be replace.
  2. Thanks for the replay. I solve this problem couple of weeks ago In my case the problem was dirt and eliquid that go inside the mod and gunk pin and cables. Employee of my cousin clean everything inside and mode works perfect. I hope this will help others who will have simullar issue.
  3. Yes I try to diffrent one dual coil and second single coil both on both is the same problem. Atomizer from plus work perfect on two diffent box mods. Hmmstrange thing is I use this box mod for almost a year without any issues. With this atomizer around 5 months and with this coils two months without issues. I wake up take mod to vape and this start to happend.
  4. For some time have strange issue with my Hadron Plus DNA250C box. When fist time pressing fire button after some time (around 30 minutes or longer) it read new coils and the coils are read almost double they are example if build have 0.12 it as 02 or 0,24ohm and give when confirm it/messure new coils and confirm it "temp protect". Work around I found is removing the battery/s for 3 seconds then putting it back box in this moment find new coils but trhis time with correct messurement 0.12ohm, I give the box to my friend emploee that alecricaltocheack if device have faulty cable, pin or sottering but there is nothing ;/ everything seems fine. Atomizer work fine on other 250C box and 100C box the same if twoothers atomizers connected to hadron plus box. For sure this is releted to box.I I alredy try factory reset and dont help.
  5. Just installed the ver, 47 It's dark and better to work eyes will dont hurt like on white background. Thanks. When the full ver. of SP 47 come out it will replace the beta or must install ot manual ?
  6. Sound great but I'm in the Eu so if I install the US version of escribe there will be no cut on power ? Becose if remeber it correct on US there is some strange law that you czant use 100W. I ask beose if make any change and sve it it will change the maximal WW ?
  7. Yes escribe windows app. thanks for the info i will write the ticket.
  8. I use DNA in multiple device for around a year. I want first to give a background to cover why this is important to me and people in the same spot. For around 9 years i have multiple surgery on both eyes, i will dont be specific becose it is hard to describe surgery and what was done but in short i have implants. Also first i have laser therapy. Now iI'm using strong pressure drop mediceaments. Why wriye tjos becose ? It's very simple bright colors like white, blue, yellow and every other like these couse after 4/5 minutes of watching constant bright color high pressure rise on eyes and must take medicament to drop it but configure the mod in app dont take few minutes but a lot longer so this is really a paint to make changes. This is why write this thered to ask and hope development team of DNA will consider this not becose of it's cool or someone have have this thout but from the health stand point of person like me who want to use the mod in full way and dont worry about pain. imple black or dark greay background with white letters will be amazing.
  9. After the firmware update on Hadron Plus the performance drop a lot. I use Steam Creave Aromamizer Plus v2 with two coils Alien 5 wraps Ni80 0.3 that gives 0.15 build on 80W. Before the update the hit on coils was very noticable and after for some strange reason battery change to lipo 2 cells and the performance drop at lest half. I was thinking mayby this would help to fix it.
  10. Mod is Hadron Plus Dual 21700 (batteries installed are Molicel P42A). This is from the website that test batteries: [quote] The datasheet for the P42A lists 45A as the max continuous c urrent rating but notes that cycle life is reduced at high current levels.[/quote] Like you can see on the picture in previous post the 100c Hadron mini use 40A peak and sustein 35A on signal battery mod. On Hadron Plus dual 21700 batteries mod cant change the values from 32A max peak and 30A sustein. The question is why cant do it ? becose of limit of the 250C board or mayby something else and why 100C can use the 40A and 35A without any issue. For sure this is not the issue of the batteries used.
  11. @dwcraig1 The new values in max peak input current and nax susteined input current for strange reason change the new values back to old from the picture when hit enter or mouse click on window. Any idea how to save changes ?
  12. From what happend to me and wjat you write pretty sure it is a firmware bug/issue. Qestion for 1mln dollars what next ?
  13. @CMK aka gwyar Thnanks will give it a try and see
  14. Ok thanks. I will try to change just the amp. and see if the change will be visible in performance.
  15. Thanks for the replay. So the amp should be set as the on the hadron mini but what with "cell soft cutoff" from the picture is on the 2,75V dont get it. This is for one cell or two cells setting ?
  16. Hmm yes see around 13.5A on 200W and 27A on 400W. So from the chart is the susteinable power current is ok. What about the dual 21700 the numbers are little to low. I'm thinking if the numbers from the one cell 21700 will be good but how this compere to dual 21700 batteries ?
  17. So for the lipo battery the question is how tthis battery manufacture wire it and what are the default factory settings from steam screave. for the dual 21700 feel like the settings are wrong. When compere the settings the same are on the lipo 4 cell battery. Mod was before update set to dual 18650 and after as lipo 2 cell. The settings for lipo can stay when the change of battery type is made ?
  18. Thanks for replay. First from the chart Fullymax 1600mah 30c 4s lipo that is use in hadron pro should have 192 max amp from what found 6400mah x 30C = 192 000: 1000 = 192 amp max current this is why write about settings that are on the pic becose after the reset it looks like it give fail save settings for most batteries not the settings use in factory by manufacture. I can be wrong but it looks like. For 21800 yeah agree Molicel P42A works on 30A current and max peak of 45A this is why asking
  19. I cheack few minutes when charging the batteries. For Hadron pro no suprise it was on lipo 4 cell, Hadron plus was a nih suprise becose before the firmware update it was for sure set as dual 18650 and after it was set as 2 cell lipo so change it to correct setting, Hadron mini is correct. The only thing that is in my head why there is amp change on dual batteries set and the signal batteries ? On dual max amp peak is at 30A on signal is 35? Molicelp42A if dont mistake have max peak at 45A So the question iis change the default settings or leave them. o.s Also if the settings for the lipo are correct ? The 4 cell battery is for sure ok but rhe nax oeaak and max sustained are ok.
  20. Thanks for the replay. I was thinking about one thong and write second. I will try explain what need I have problem with my eyes so dont see very well on small things like battery % for me it's like fog. Battery icon during discharge make empty space in battery frame icon. I want to make something when battery will have 35% the frame icon of battery will go darker or red and everything else will stay like it's factory set.
  21. After updating to lastest softwere on esribe screen flash write for 1 second only on lock screen and for some time ater that the issue not showing again. When screen flash white and leve it for an houer the issue appear again. The strange thing is when mod is unlock the issue is not present. Befiore the update everything was fine and two other mods with 250c works great without this issue and they are also updated ! Link to video is this uploaded not work https://drive.google.com/file/d/1evCLCt7ICNGpt3t2WSoUdDFYLPSJlq-a/view?usp=sharing IMG_0903.mp4
  22. On dna 250c the icon on the screen turn red when the battery is low default valur is 20%., I use dna board for short time so dont know a lot of things and on google dont find anything about this. I want to change the value from 20% to 35% so the icon on screen will show red icon low battery warrning. Is this possible on DNA board ? p.s theme is default evolv from the picture, p,
  23. Is possible to change it ? On default battery icon change to red at 20%. I want to change the default value to 35 becose of lipo is better to keep above 30%.
  24. Hadron Plus use dual 21700 bateriess everything is ok there. On Pro is for sure set Lithium Polimer 4 cell battery cheack it when last time make print screen you ask to make ^^
  25. Two things battery arrive today but there was issues first order from store in UK the shippment was hold and canceled afterweek by royal mail. They write in describction the item inside brake the rules or it's dangerous so the shippment is terminated. After that order again but this time from Italian shop and yesterday battery arrive to me. Today give my friend in electronic shop to check it to be sure everything is ok. From the chart and battery indicator on device have little thuiunder assume the issue was only like you write above dead cell/s that dna board prevent from charging. Also if someone want in future to order lipo battery from UK looks in diffrent place the rules there will always prevent shippment to go and it's waste of time.
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