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    VT75 Nano

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  1. I am a MTL guy and once my Bi2hop comes in I’ll compare battery life with my Billet Box. I also have an old Joyetech Evic primo with arctic fox I can check as well.
  2. My Pixel with the internal battery seems to be fine in that regard. I think this applies to VC products that use an external cell. haven’t tested my parsons but I’m a MTL guy. I’ll try to compare with my Billet Box.
  3. Seeing this on two separate mods leads me to believe it's not the mod, but the chipset itself. So there's no way in eScribe to change the cutoff?
  4. We have someone in our Discord that received a Parsons SBS in an early order, and they are also reporting poor battery life with the DNA80c. I should have mine waiting in my mailbox today, but my RTA is not due to arrive for some more time. This leads me to think it's an issue with the DNA80c itself and Evolv may need to look into a firmware update for this ASAP.
  5. Can you use the profile for two batteries for a mod that uses one? I have a single p26a in my Wicket and the battery pack readout shows 3.8V but on the charger, it says 4.0V.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Took the original Gauges theme from SirTimmyTimbit and made everything as green as possible to match with my ultem mods/tanks.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Took the original Gauges theme from SirTimmyTimbit and made everything as amber as possible to match with my ultem mods/tanks.
  8. Is there a way to pull the font from a theme? I love the font on the Vapedroid theme, but can't get the font into my own custom theme.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Took @ScaryMonkeyMan Vapeboy 3000 theme and made everything red to work better on red mods. If things are hard to see, swapping out the red background for a plain black one works wonders.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Using @Gavnaf Arctic Fox theme, I changed things around to work better on a red colored mod. The only things I changed were the colors on the lock screen and main screen.
  11. Mine is pretty much the same. I did a factory reset and still no go. I'm just going to wait on Sir to get back to me.
  12. That theme works just fine. Went back to Gauges after and battery meter is still missing. Tried a few others and they work fine. Just that any theme that has that big battery icon on the screen doesn't work. Odd...
  13. I can do this tomorrow at work. What's this theme though?
  14. I did that right before taking the picture of my mod in the post above (tried reinstalling it several times with a few defaulting now and then, pulling the battery out overnight, both US and INT firmware) I have the INT firmware that was recommended by Sir.
  15. That's not it. It does it all the time regardless if usb is connected or not. I'm stumped by this. I just downloaded the theme on day one and it worked 100%. On day two, any theme that has an animated battery meter like that doesn't work at all. I guess I'm stuck with Vapeboy 3000 as that's working just fine for me.
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