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krmatw last won the day on May 5 2023

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    Kharisma TW
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    DNA GO, DNA60, DNA60s, DNA75, DNA250c

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  1. @BillW50 Sorry for my late reply bro , I as dna60 small screen user hope that EVOLV can keep going to develop dna60 small screen firmware so that it can run even better. For now there are several modders who released products with these chip, like a Iaido by BP Mods, Cryptic by U-Mods, Unific by U-mods, Baby Loki by GS Craft, Mellody Box SC by LCM, and many more. I think this chip is special, because this is the only one that has a small screen and support Escribe application, that EVOLV have ever released. Thanks for participating respond to my post bro
  2. Version 2.0.0


    Guys, I'm create theme for DNA 60 Small Screen, I'm try to my best, this theme include a logo and classic fonts, I hope you can enjoy with this theme. Cheers...
  3. Dear Evolv DNA developers, I've been using dna60 small screen for almost a year, I'm not very comfortable with some of the displays that come with dna60ss, some fonts look really bad and hard to read. Different with dna bigscreen versions, that look better and are easier for users to read, I have attached some examples below, 1. Ohm and Volt Display Ohm and volt display is a very important part because it is always seen by the user, I took this picture using the capture feature from escribe, and I resize this 1. Original Evolv 2. Pict 2 Look at the ohm and volt display from evolv, I think 0 look like Q, and some numbers may need to be fixed, but I see more often 0, so it's best to change like to Pict 2, because it's more comfortable to look that. In watt display 0 watt until 60 watt don't have problem at all, it's been very good. Pict 2 file 96x16 2. Letter and Number Display Maybe some letters and numbers in the picture below also need a lot of improvement too 1. Original Evolv 2. Pict 3 Look in the serial number and version, on the top row JMGBKC, and bottom row S8203, it's looks not so good. When I first saw the letter that should be letter G, i really don't know what it is, i found out it was the letter G when I see it from escribe app. on Pict 3 JMGBKC - S8203, I think looks better. Pict 3 file 96x16 3. Battery Indicator On the battery indicator charging display I also think there are some things that need to be minor fixed. 1. Original Evolv 2. Pict 4 In original evolv picture you can see the battery bar is not precise, I think should be like in pict 4. for optimize the battery calibration results in dna60ss, I hope the developer will also reviewing the battery indicator display from 0%-100% (below I attached it in zip), this may be important for dna60ss because it shows the battery capacity used. Battery Charging : 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Battery Indicator 0%-100% : Battery_Indicator_0%-100%.zip I made this post because this part cannot be done using the escribe app. please change it with 1bit resolution png. We really hope the developer will optimize and fixed dna60ss display problem, we are waiting for the next update. Thankyou so much
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