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rm_rf last won the day on April 20 2020

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  1. Here's a correction: How to install and run Escribe-Suite ? # Create and START VM using an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Desktop iso. # Login using the GUI shown in the VirtualBox Console. # Open a Terminal cd ~/Desktop sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -fy wget https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP19_US.run chmod +x SetupEScribe2_SP19_US.run ./SetupEScribe2_SP19_US.run cd ~/.local/opt/evolv/escribe-suite ./launch-escribe-suite How pass your USB DNA Device to the VirtualMachine ? # Right+Click on the USB icon on the lower right panel of the VirtualMachine Console window. # Choose your DNA device.
  2. Clearly the post is not for you, or anyone else who has the ability to run it normally or by using fixes. That post is for those who do have issues and may not have the ability to get around it. It's a quick and dirty way to get it working without messing with their systems. That's exactly the point. Erasing and downgrading your OS to an older , less stable distro ( I have seen this posted on here ) is not a good temp or permanent solution. Send us all a link to the android app you made or a repackaged application that works for everyone or provide step by step help for every person with a different os with different packages, cause I'm not sure how your screenshots are going to assist those people. At least this is something that can be digested in a few steps that most people can do without help.
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