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File Comments posted by MetalVape90

  1.   On 5/15/2020 at 2:25 PM, zark said:

    Молодец! Главное не останавливайся, изучай работы других авторов. Со временем все получится!


    Спасибо, пришлось перевести то, что ты сказал, потому что я не понимаю по-русски, но я буду продолжать тренироваться.
  2.   On 5/12/2020 at 5:49 PM, gwyar said:

    Welcome here in the forum 😃, on behalf of everyone I wish you a lot of fun creating your own themes.

    I would like to give you a little tip: always make sure there is sufficient contrast between the information and the graphics in the background.


    Hi thanks for the welcome. Yea I’m experimenting with different contrasts between the theme and text/hub. There will be an update at some point in the future once I’ve figured out how to do things properly. It’s all practice at the moment.  I got this Cyberdyne/Skynet theme on my Paranormal at the moment and it isn’t half bad. It does need improvement.

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