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Everything posted by bigray

  1. can you tell me what yours are currently at? mine is set to, active time 30s Idle time 0s Fade-in Time 1s Fade-out time2.98s like i said im using dna75c paranormal with samsung 30q batteries....
  2. what is your battery profile? do you have the csv so i can download it? im having troubles with mt paranormal 76c batteries, they dont last too long.
  3. Can i please get the csv download for paranormal 75c using samsung 30q batteries, im really having battery issues and batteries dont last long. thx
  4. Hello, I am looking for some help for by battery settings on my dna 75c. I feel like my Samsung 30q do not last that long while vaping at 40 watts. what cell cutoff setting should i be at? as well, i do not see the capacity battery settings on scribe anymore, where do i find that. thank you for any help!
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