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Everything posted by Pete1burn

  1. @steamer861That's not true 100% of the time. @dc99There was a hot fix posted a page or two back that fixed it for most people having this problem. If you've tried different coils and sure it's not your atty, try the hot fix.
  2. Are you guys still seeing if it's the theme causing the issue? I flashed back to stock with no theme long ago and this problem keeps happening. One additional piece of info is that this seems to happen most often right after removing the tank from the mod to refill it.
  3. Did not work for me. My mod is currently reading the coild at .41 ohms on a .32 coil (cause it's warm, I know) and changing it to .29 or .46 then changing it back does nothing. I let the mod read the resistance at .41, and at 600 degrees, it still says "Temp Protect". EVOLV! What the heck is going on here?!
  4. I am back to the stock theme, and even reset the mod to default. Still having the same problem occasionally.
  5. This is a weird issue. I'm using a brand new coil, .25 ohms SS at 400 degrees. When it works, it's perfect. Good vape and flavor. But at certain times, it will show the Temp Protect message, and just not fire. Like at all, until I either unscrew the atomizer to reset it, or I reboot it. It will work for 2 or 3 more vapes, then Temp Protect again. Not sure what is going on, but it's definitely not reading the temps correctly, as most of the time, it works perfectly fine for hours at that temp. Then suddenly for no reason, you get that message, and it will refuse to vape.
  6. I posted a screenshot of device monitor when this happens earlier in this thread.
  7. Pw82 is right. In the device monitor it looks like it's behaving normally but power is cut to nothing.
  8. Whoops. Thanks for the response
  9. Sometimes when I leave my vape without firing it for a while, say like an hour in the grocery store, I'll come back and try to use it and the fire button doesn't do anything. The mod is dead. Nothing works, multiple clicks of the fire button etc. But, if I plug it into a micro USB cable, it comes right back as if nothing happened. Unlocked already so I know it didn't actually turn off etc. Any idea what the heck that's about?
  10. I should amend my previous reply to say it "appears" to be the issue. Last night I was vaping and dealing with the message probably 50% of the time. I read the reply, changed to the default theme, and everything was suddenly fine. This was literally 30 seconds apart with the only change being the theme, and I haven't had an issue with it all day. As a test, I could change back to the gauges theme and see what happens. I'm not entirely convinced either, but based on evidence it appears it could be a contributing factor. I'm not trying to call anyone out or place blame anywhere. Just posting my experience
  11. So just wanted to let you know that Steamer was right. I went back to the stock theme and haven't had an issue for the entire day. I agree with you that a theme shouldn't affect the operation of the mod, but it seems to be the case. I will check what version I have downloaded and try again if it's not 1.5.0. Thanks to Steamer for identifying the issue.
  12. I am using the gauges theme...
  13. Took it all apart and cleaned it up in an agitator, pulsed the coil 15-20 times in wattage mode and saw no hot spots or anything. Cleaned up the coil, replaced the grub screws and put it all back together. It's now happening more than it was before. Getting pretty frustrating. I'll try replacing the coil tomorrow, although it's a brand new coil. Have not done the copper plug. Never have in any mod actually.
  14. Well yes, I figured that's what it meant, but it's not accurate. Like I said, it works most of the time perfectly fine, and occasionally will get that message with a completely cold vape.
  15. Yeah this Aromamizer Plus has been amazing on everything else. But if it has this problem with this mod, it's kinda pointless. I don't think it's coated at all. The deck and 510 look like straight metal to me.
  16. Really? That seems strange. Although I suppose in a way it makes sense. In any case, it's more of an annoyance than an actual problem. Just didn't know if there was something I could test. Considering getting the Aromamizer Titan just to see if it helps. Otherwise, I'm loving the mod and the chip. I like having a lot more control over it from the mod itself rather than depending on escribe.
  17. I have been using this atty on first a Reuleaux, then two Triade DNA250s with no issues. Weird that it would show up on this new mod all of a sudden I think.
  18. I think we're both missing something. 75% of the time, everything is perfectly fine. Mod fires, gives me a full vape, no issues at all. About 25% of the time, I'll get a hit for about half a second, and then nothing at all. This is when the "throttling" message shows up on the screen. A normal hit also shows the power varying to keep the temperature, but it's working. When the throttling happens, it goes dead.
  19. Here you go. The coil was warm this time, but it still happened. The vape about 30 seconds earlier was totally normal.
  20. Just got a Mad Modder DNA250c with an Aromamizer Plus and single SS316 coil. What's happening is half the time when I go to vape, even when cold, the mod will stop firing and show "throttled" on the screen. If I let go of the firing button and hit it again right after, I get a full power vape. Coil isn't dry or anything. Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks.
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