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Sam Lowry

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Posts posted by Sam Lowry

  1. I was wondering if there is any settings I could (should?) tweak to make anything safer?

    It might be unnecessary, but if there are any tolerances that could be pulled back just in case I get a counterfeit battery that's only 10amps or something that Maybe changing the battery cutoff, or making a change battery warning come up at 10 or 15 percent left (is that even something you can do? I forget) so I can vape till I hit that mark and change my batteries without trying to guess if that tiny battery bar is showing me 25% left or 5% left.


    Still trying to learn all this. Thanks.

  2. Custom profiles? Unless you're talking about battery voltage cutoff type of stuff, there really isn't much to do. Changing the info that shows up on the screen is just a drop down menu. I changed my fire lock to 3 clicks instead of 5, and made a Jupiter Mining Corporation logo in paint for my wake up screen. but it's all very basic stuff and I'm sure you probably want something more. Somebody made a cool spirited away theme here: https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/file/136-spirited-awaygnic/

    And some more themes are here: https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/category/4-dna-60-75-200-250/

  3. The way it seems to be set up, the amps used only show up while the fire button is being pressed. This seems completely useless, you would need a mirror to ever be able to see the reading. I got it to display the 'last power used', but I think that might be some reading for the amount of juice I sucked out of the battery. Just wondering if there is a setting to get the amps to stay on the screen long enough for me to look at them.

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