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  1. A lot of people including me and pretty much everyone I know who vape use volts to calculate his vaping experience because its easier if you know you like to vape most of the time like that first puff from a fresh battery in a mech mod at around 4.2v then you adjust your watts to give you around that with your current resistance and pretty much all the Chinese boards actually shows you the volts, the DNA actually does it too... you just have to press fire... i don't think its really that big of a deal to implement it.
  2. A lot of the users don´t vape in TC and buy DNA boards for their accuracy in Watts mode, adding a voltage mode or even just making the voltage directly showed in the screen without having to press the fire its not something that everyone is going to use that is pretty clear to me, but some could use it and the DNA boards will be more satisfying to some people. and that is good for everyone I think.
  3. He is JUST asking to let them see the volts without having to press fire... its not very difficult to understand I don't know if writing on and old post is against the rules but i end up here looking in Google for a way to use my DNA in Voltage mode witch it seems to lack... the reason is I like to vape 99% of the time at 4.0V and it will be fine and I think not so difficult to implement that no matter what build I put in the mod will be voltage ridged
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