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  1. Very good knowledge, thanks for that! I was a little too excited when I got the board out and saw DNA 250, but there's not really any disappointment because I was about to purchase a 250 anyway. Now at least I know I can resell this one as a 200R... because that reverse polarity protection is huge for an 18650 box. I take it you work for Evolv/a place that does RMAs for Evolv?
  2. Here's a funny little thing, and I really hope the board actually is a DNA 250. Earlier this year I sent in my Reuleaux DNA 200 to Evolv for service because the board died, and wasn't a problem with something Wismec. Got it back the next week with a new board, working like a charm. Fast forward to yesterday, I decide I want to add another member to my DNA family of mods but can't decide what to go with. Instead, I'm going to mod my Reuleaux and make it one of a kind: FD v4 510, new buttons, improved wiring, powder coat for the box, and also upgrade it to a DNA 250... After opening the thing up, I see that the PCB is labelled DNA 250. Amazing! I don't have to buy a 250 for my little project now. But wait, wouldn't I have noticed it wasn't a 250 in EScribe? You bet, and it says it's a 200. I'm just really curious to see what the deal is here. By no means will I be upset if it's actually just a 200 because I was gonna buy a 250 anyway, but I'd be stoked if I didn't have to... and even more stoked on the fact that Evolv replaced my 200 with a 250. Is it possible they just flashed it with a 200 firmware to make it think it's a 200?
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