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Everything posted by dean24

  1. Thanks for all the help guys/gals. I rrly appreciate it. I'll send an email to volcano and see what happens
  2. Would emailing volcano about my problem get me anywhere? Or would I be to far past a warranty period or something?
  3. The solder tabs are on each end. The ET initials look and feel kinda like stamped on graphic if I had to describe it
  4. Should the pic be of the chip. The board. Or would both be preferable?
  5. I'll try to in my next post but it's one of the two square silverish chips on the backside of the board *edit* the chips says 0.68uH 152180
  6. So my mods broken... and i was wonder what is the best way to go about getting it fixed. It's a lavabox. I've had it for 3-4 months. And it's been great for the 3-4 months that I've had it. Bestfriend/coworker grew sick of their kangertech setup. It was a cheaper 50w setup. I told them to use my lavabox, only person I've allowed to use it since I bought it from a local vape shop. They were already using my aspire triton tank because their subox nano tank was acting up. They had the lavabox a day or so. We get out of the vehicle to go to work and it fell out of their sweater pocket and falls a few feet to the ground. After they pick it up and clean it off it makes a rattling noise but the screen is still on so I don't think much of it. First break comes around and we're outside with the smokers. The mod fires for puff or two. Then the screen goes blank and won't fire anymore. It gets put away till I take it home. I open the battery cover, nothing looms out of place. Lift that hard divider between the lipos and the board and I see a chip that is no longer soldered to the board. My friend was far more upset than I was that it broke. I just laughed. She kept saying lastnite that she'll buy me a new one. Kept telling her to let me see what I need to do to get it fixed. And that's where I am now. What is the best way to get this fixed in your options guys/gals? *edit* stupid auto correct
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