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Everything posted by Thelostrican

  1. Check your settings on mod/manufacturer setting... Battery setting, might have been reset, I'll post a pic... Also check what's the actual voltage on the 3 packs...
  2. Volcano won't warranty it because I didn't buy it directly from them,regardless of what I paid for it, (which was full price), and it kinda blows since they sell wholesale, but it is what it is,I don't want to go to facebook, I don't want to start some drama and what not, I know evolv has my back. (Which is why I only vape on dna devices...besides it makes me feel like I am being loyal to a cigarette company, I was a newport smoker for 23 years, and now I am dna vaper... Typing while vaping from my badass m17 dna200...
  3. I have to thx you guys for the settings, they have been very useful, how's the battery life for you guys?
  4. How do you get a rma from evolv, I sent a message, but didn't get a reply, I have a 2 week old lavabox that I think popped the fuse, and sadly volcano has ignored me, so hopefully I can have evolv take a look.
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