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Everything posted by autocannibal

  1. Brick and mortar shops will forever be in a losing battle with online retailers. Customers dont need to be told they can get these products online and likely a bit cheaper at that. If they are coming in a store its for convenience, support or knowledge. I have checked at least 7 wholesalers and not one has had these pods for the past 2 weeks. You can be sure I will be going quite heavy on these as soon as I see them again. In the mean time, its hard to have to tell your customers that the device you sold them is useless unless they can find them online somewhere. Especially when there is another version that has fewer features for half the price which I can get pods for. There is a solution on this forum which I will pass on to our more advanced customers but it would be great to see an official feature added. As I said, I know the DNA Go is more than capable of firing a ~1Ω KA1 coil and it seems like it would just be a few lines of code.
  2. I have not been able to source the 0.5Ω or 0.25Ω Orion pods for nearly 3 weeks. Customers are getting upset and I have an abundance of Q pods available. The solutions for running a Q pod discussed here sound good as the DNA Go should be more than capable for firing a 1.0Ω coil. Advanced user settings in Escribe dont scare me but will be way over the heads of many of my customers. Hopefully Lost Vape will start churning these pods out very soon. I was wondering if Evolv has considered updating the Go to be able to use the 1.0Ω pods automatically? The user recommended Ω range of 0.8-1.2Ω for the Q pods is outside the default parameters for the 0.5Ω pod so I would think it would be as simple as adding a 3rd profile. 0.8-1.2Ω Replay off, 10-11-12W 0 boost or something like that. When the Orion first came out I thought it was wasting some of the potential of the DNA Go. I think that giving users an easy official way to have both more options and a way around supply shortages would really illustrate the value in buying an Evolv product.
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