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Posts posted by Andymilneruk

  1. Potentially that could be the case, all the boards have been charged using the same 2A wall wart at some point or other.

    The first blew initially in normal use waking from off.
    It then fried the board when used whilst charging.
    The second again in normal use waking from off.
    Fuse replaced started sparking across the 510.
    The efusion blew waking from off, not changing that fuse its off for RMA as we speak.

    From two working DNA 200s to none in a few days


    Back to the old faithful Sigelei 100w no fuses, no stress, just no TC or USB charging.

  2. Earlier today my replacement DNA 200 board blew its fuse.  No obvious reason it has been operating as expected for about 1 month after the previous board quit.

    Since replacing the fuse I have been getting sparks across the 510 connector, I noticed this originally when I was testing the spring return center pin.

    My question is has the fuse blowing incident caused another issue ion the board?  My lost vape efusion doesn't behave like this so I guess its RMA number 2.

    FYI it is a 3d printed enclosure and all solder joints have been checked reflowed and heat shrink wrapped after my last RMA experience.

  3. I also had a fuse blow over the weekend, I am in the UK hence I ordered some fuses to replace myself.  Replaced fuse today and after about an hours vaping on a 0.1 TI dual coil build the device is now non-responsive (fuse intact).  No connection to Escribe and no firmware update available due to no connection.  I have established an RMA with my UK vendor.

    The mod is 3d printed and the solder connections were solid and there are no shorts at all. The board did feel quite hot when it was connected to the PC after the "event".  Prior to the event there was a loss of power to the atty followed by a hot hit then the board gave up.

    There are no obvious marks or damage on the board that I can see.  Hope this helps solve the issue.

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