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Posts posted by Scy123

  1. nicovape said:

    Ok, i found a way around my problem, maybe it will be interesting for you James. Escribe was set to Autodetect and i am French. So it was using French as auto detected.
    I thought about what was written earlier in this thread, and I manually changed the language to English. And i tried to upload settings. Guess what? It worked!

    So for some reason, the french auto detect was giving me this curve error, while the english setting does not.

    Wow you are a genius! It solved my problem as well.

    Thank you!
  2. *** 2016-02-12 EScribe 1.0.39 ***
    https://www.dimensionengineering.com/software/SetupES_2016-02-12.exe (52MB standalone installer)

    This version features:
    (1) a new Materials tab where you can store and transfer material settings onto and from the DNA,
    [We've included our Ni200, and Steam Engine's SS316 and Ti1. These will be upgraded in the future, if better data becomes available, and others added if others become common.]
    (2) the ability to change a profile's material without EScribe, by holding down all three buttons while locked,
    (3) Profile Name and Material Name can be displayed on-screen as custom fields,
    (4) profiles now have a "Temperature Dominant" option, making temperature the main adjustment for a profile if you want to do so,
    (5) for small batteries, in the Mod tab, you can reduce max continuous and pulse battery input currents,
    (6) in Help->Language, you can override the language detection,
    (7) Device Monitor has "Simulate Button Presses" for remote testing,
    (8) Device Monitor can run Python scripts for scientific study and automation,
    (9) the ability to adjust the temperature increment, and
    (10) various OS compatibility and miscellaneous improvements.

    *** 2016-02-23 EScribe 1.0.41 ***
    https://www.dimensionengineering.com/software/SetupES_2016-02-23.exe (52MB standalone installer)

    This version includes all of the changes of 2016-02-12 and also features:
    (1) a friendlier Screen tab,
    (2) support for "Hold To Change Material", "Hold To Change Power", and "Temp Locked Hold Up Down" screens,
    (3) the speed of power adjustment no longer increases drastically when switching from 0.1W to 1.0W adjustments,
    (4) detection of a DNA 200 in recovery mode - now it will suggest a firmware update instead of not showing up until you hit Update Firmware, and
    (5) minor bug fixes and improvements to usability.

    Hope that is what you're looking for.

  3. VapingBad said:

    It sounds a bit like a connection issue, at any rate it would seem the cold ohms have shifted.  I notice you have preheat off that may cause problems if the coil does not heat at least 150 F in the first second the DNA will stop temp limiting maybe this happens and then it starts temp limiting again using a higher cold res, IDK just a possibility.  Have you tried locking the res?

    I turned off preheat cause it was recommended somewhere for SS. I have not tried locking the res but, will do it later. I doubt it is a connection issue cause when it happens it keeps happening all the time with any tank until I remove the batteries and restart the device. Also the cold ohms read the same so if it shifted it is not displaying it.

    I will play around with it a bit and report back later with pics and such.
  4. morphflow said:

    Hello all, Does anyone know the mod resistance of the Panzer Box DNA 200?I don't have the tools to run this test and I cannot find it through the manufacturer (Think Vape) Thanks a lot and happy vaping;-)

    If you're interested in the tool, you can find it here. https://forum.evolvapor.com/topic/66031-topic/
  5. LarryLenz said:

    Hi.  I have an Hcigar VT200 and it works perfectly with NI200 and Kanthal.  But when I use SS 361L (UD makes it) it screws up in Temp control.  For instance, I set it at 400Deg F and it works fine for a while.  Then one time, when I pick it up to take a vape, it ramps up to 700 Deg F and burns the vape.

    I have the same problem with my Wismec DNA200. It works perfectly fine in tc with ni200. When I try UD SS 316L, it works fine for awhile then it goes into some sort of phase where it will be like you describe, the only way to get it back to normal is to pull the batteries and restart it. Then it will repeat this. I also noticed I have an atty with a particular build, that when I try to use it, it will 100% put the device into this phase.

    It will also sometimes will read the temperature higher then it really is. Like it will show the temp as 500 degrees but it gives off no vapor.

    What I find helps but not solve the problem is to build really high ohm spaced coils, not really sure if this actually really helps, but it seems to.
  6. Sorry for your lost and getting robbed.

    You can easily buy 1L of 100mg Nic for $45 and 1L of PG/VG for $12 each. For $150 you can continue vaping for a whole year. The nic will last you like 4-5 years so all you will need to buy after is the PG/VG which about $100 worth will last you another year. Unflavored is cheap. Only when you add in the flavors does it get expensive and only by $1 more per 30ml bottle. I make each 30ml 6mg unflavored bottle for $0.25.

    If you need a new setup you can buy them cheap now too, with a 200w Reuleaux going for as cheap as $35. You could have a completely new awesome setup for like $100

    Please don't give up! It is completely not cheaper to smoke if you do it right. Right now if I vaped unflavored I can vape 30ml a day and It would only cost me like $90 a year, try doing that with smoking.

    See this is my Ejuice calc, which shows the price per bottle as well. $0.26 per 30ml bottle = $94.9 a year.


  7. When I change it from do not show to show temp it flashes the coil temp when it goes over temperature.

    Here is a pic. It normally shows watts but when I go over temperature it flashes the temp. Also where the temp use to be it changes to watts.

    Language and local settings on both my PC and VirtualBox are both set to English United States and United Stats. I never changed any of those settings. unless a program I installed changed it, it should be default.

  8. I was having the exact same problem. It downloads the settings fine and I can even change some minor settings on the device from the PC, but then I try to upload all setting it show a cure is not one-to-one message.

    I found that if I installed and used VMware virtualbox on the same machine it works fine in the virtual environment. Weird!

  9. I'm using it on the Wismec dna200 and I've tried it with the Billow v2, Kayfun 4 and Lemo 2. All of them I get the same results. As soon as I pull the battery and replace it, it will forget the current ohms and reset it when it fires.

    So far everything else works perfectly fine including having the ohms saved when it comes out of sleep so I don't think it is a connection issue.

  10. Hello, I was just wondering if this is normal.

    I am running Ni-200 in tc mode and the ohms are set. When I replace the battery the devices seems to forget the ohms it was set at and readjust the ohms upon firing. This is problematic cause when I replace the battery the atomizer might not be at room temperature so I have to wait until the atomizer cools before being able to set the ohms and vape again.

    I thought the dna200 was suppost to remember settings? is this normal?

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