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About Wake-N-Vape
- Birthday 06/23/1982
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Ben Kress
Decatur, Illinois
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Thanks for the updates Brett. It definitely seems like you and I are having the exact same problems. I am hoping Evolv will chime in here since this issue appears to be more related to eScribe than the hardware itself (purely speculation). But, I am definitely hoping they can give you/us some sort of information as to what causes this and if it is avoidable. This is definitely outside of the "normal" range of Reuleaux problems and does indeed seem to be a very rare occurrence.
Juaquith... My apologies on my poor wording. What I meant is if you have my broken Reuleaux physically in your possession... Not just any working/functioning Releaux ( I do have 2 of them, one works, one doesn't). I am very well aware of the work you have put in, and I do indeed appreciate your efforts and for the contributions to the Reuleaux community (I truly mean that, and thank you!)... And, while we are both programmatic/problem solving individuals, I do believe we are going to have to agree to disagree in this scenario and move on. Unfortunately, no amount of battery swaps are going to fix this, nor switching to different battery manufacturers. The VTC5s in question were working fine for a month up until the update was pushed via Escribe and they still work fine in my working Reuleaux. Since we have already tried multiple batteries, and configurations, it is a safe bet that we can rule those out as problems. Just for testing purposes, I went ahead and dropped in three LG HG2 batteries, and they exhibit the exact same behavior. I apologize for all the back and forth, but we need to allow others to chime in with their thoughts and move on from all this battery discussion as it will get us no further towards finding the solution to the problem. Like I said, my apologies on the initial wording... I do see how that could be interpreted either way. But, like BMC has said, I believe I have provided enough data to rule out the batteries as being the issue ("obviously through subsequent posts he means that all 3 cells were at 4.05v" == CORRECT). Reasoning leads me to the wiring and/or the board. And, thank you BMC for jumping in and being more civil than we have been. I definitely agree with you, and know he is trying to help the best he can even if it comes off a little accusatory. Any and all help is appreciated... But, I also wish we could move past those controversial topics and move towards finding the cause of this.
Those values are how the chipset/mod are reading them... Those are not the actual voltages of the individual cells/18650s... Cell 3, as read by the chipset/mod is reading the actual voltage of cell 3 accurately... And, when the batteries are swapped in position, cell three always says the same voltage regardless of battery position. Furthermore, testing them with a multi meter and an advanced external charger, have all three cells perfectly balanced and all three sitting at the same voltage as read by the mod on cell 3 only. My apologies if that was not clear, but that parenthetical statement was attached to cell 3, not meant to be interpreted for the other data given on the other two cells. That was one situation where i should have been a little more clear I suppose. I have attempted monitoring individual cells in eScribe as you mention, but this does not make any difference at all. And while I do understand what you are saying about the programming what it can handle (I am a programmer for a living)... I do not feel there is enough information to make the statement that they did not program conditional variables to protect against a > value. Furthermore, there would be no need to protect against this greater value. It will not affect battery discharge or performance even if you set it to 3.2... This just means you will not be getting the full life out of your batteries, and this is NEVER a bad thing if you expect your batteries to last for many, many cycles. If this is incorrect, then apparently the RC industry is doing it all wrong since these are the rules many follow in that industry. I do understand the nature of overcharging, under charging, discharging, and over discharging... But this does not explain why the mod performs the exact same way with three externally charged, married VTC5 batteries, all sitting at a proper 4.2v volts. Whether the batteries were charged by the DNA 200 correctly or not, the DNA 200 is not reading them correctly. I have attempted reverting back to the original settings I had when it worked (which was 3.2) to no avail. No other settings have changed since I put them on the deice almost a month ago. So, I don't think settings are to blame here. I have also tried 2.8 for the cutoff, which makes no difference either. There is something wrong with the mod and/or chipset... Batteries all check out and are perfectly fine. If I pop any of these cells into my second (working perfectly) Reuleaux, they all work fine/as expected. Like I said, I have spent hours upon hours trying to fix this, taking in all of the available information in these forums, ECF, etc... This is a problem very few have run into it seems. But, deductive reasoning has led me to two conclusions. 1. Problem with the wiring (although not visible). 2. Problem with the DNA 200 board (this happened after updating settings in eScribe after all). At this point, we are getting nowhere towards an amicable solution... If you had this mod in your hand, you would know where I am coming from and why I have reached these conclusions. Batteries are not the problem here. I do appreciate your input though and you trying to help.
Jaquith... The fact remains that something IS wrong with the Reuleaux DNA 200. The cells ARE NOT out of balance as verified on a multi-meter as well as verified by my 4 bay charger and three different married sets of VTC5 batteries. Please read thoroughly before responding. I spent hours reading and researching the forums to reach these conclusions and waited until I had all the information in front of me before posting this (scientific reasoning). I appreciate you trying to be helpful, but in reality you are not and are personally attacking based on YOUR experiences. (replaced by another made-up arbitrary number - correct all user assembly errors), there is a way to say those in much nicer and more helpful ways and not come off sounding like some sort of disgruntled know it all. I appreciate you taking the time to reply, and for your suggestions. But, please know that they have all been tried without success (as mentioned in original post), that I do indeed have the correct battery profile loaded (also mentioned in original post), and that I am very well versed in building micro electronics with my hands without any errors in assembly, let alone putting something back together that was already built. I don't appreciate you acting like I must be doing something wrong and that you have ALL the answers. Also, the cell soft cutoff can be set to whatever the user wants as it is purely a subjective setting if it is any higher than the minimum cutoff. It will not affect battery performance one bit. It does not NEED to be less than Evolv's preset setting. Please choose your words more carefully. Lets take RC lipo packs into consideration here. Most RC applications cutoff at 3.4-3.6 volts (in my experience with RC Helicopters) even though they can go much lower than that. The reason they are cutoff at that point it to protect the integrity of the cells as well as maintain charging characteristics for many, many cycles. Can you run them lower? Sure... Will it affect the longevity of the batteries if they are run down to the minimum? Absolutely. Will setting a higher cutoff hurt anything? Nope, it won't. While me changing the soft-cutoff seemed to have caused this, lets just go ahead and rule that out right now considering that value could not cause this behavior and move the discussion towards other aspects that could be potential issues. There is an entire thread about the cutoff values, and I have been through the entire thing. I am more interested in why this happened after updating the settings via eScribe? And, if not eScribe, then what piece of hardware should we be looking towards fixing?
I suppose I should have mentioned that taking apart the mod entailed removing every single screw, followed by rebuilding the mod which means making sure they are all tightened back down to spec. Tightening the ground screw was the very first thing I tried due to reading about that in other threads. And, Jaquith... What you need to understand is these devices have battery profiles for VTC5s that were custom made by me in my second reuleaux. I don't really care for your opinion or attitude in what the cutoffs should be or what they shouldn't be. The battery is not actually sitting at 5V or 0V! Cell 3 represents the actual voltage of all three batteries when tested on a multi meter. All of the batteries have been checked, and are perfectly balanced and charged. Why don't you try re-reading my post? I have 5 DNA 200 devices, and am very well and aware of what I am doing and have been with temp protection since its release with the DNA40. I appreciate you trying to be helpful. But, just because yours was fixed by swapping batteries does not mean you have universally solved all problems for this mod. I am really looking for evolv to chime in on this one.
I just ran into a similar issue with one of my Reuleaux's (just like Brett's). Has been working great for the last month since I got it. I decided to update the settings in eScribe for the battery soft cell cutoff tonight for some reason... But that was a mistake. After successfully updating the settings, the device then would read check battery every time the fire button was pressed even though it was working fine before (note change from 3.2 back to 3.09). When the device does not have a USB power source plugged in, the screen only lights up with the Wismec logo for a split second, then goes dark. Holding the fire button will allow it to power up (once up, will get check battery repeatedly), but letting go of the fire button instantly turns off the mod. I am using three Sony VTC5 batteries that I purchased with the mod and they were not removed at any point during the updates before or after. So, after digging into eScribe to check the voltages in battery analyzer, here is what I have found: Cell 1 = 0.00V, Cell 2 = 5.04V, Cell 3 = 4.05V (which is the actual voltage of all three batteries when tested with a multi meter). Swapping the battery positions makes no difference to the readings, but the cells do seem to drop over time. There is a weird kind of fluctuation happening in device monitor (no atomizer attached) of the pack voltage that I think is responsible for the cells dropping over time (Screenshot Below and barely visible squiggle). So, I assumed that maybe one of the wires was burnt through and maybe causing some sort of short to occur? And, against my best judgement... I went ahead and took it completely apart to inspect the board, battery sled, and wiring for any visible damage. To my surprise, there was no visible damage, nothing missing or damaged on the board (that I could see), and the wires (while ridiculously thin) were all fine as well with what seemed like solid solder joints inside the sled compartments and to the board. So, I put it all back together, and slapped the batteries back in... Same thing. And, after doing some reading, I went ahead and tried a battery magnet on Cell 1 just to see if it was a connectivity issue. It was a pain getting that magnet seated properly, but seemed to make a completely solid connection and had the negative pin pretty much fully depressed. Of course, that didn't work either... I have also tried downgrading firmware, re-updating the firmware to current, reset to device defaults, hard-boot, soft-boot, cleaning contacts, cleaning 510 threads and the spring-loaded pin. None of which has made any difference whatsoever. Now, I should mention that I typically charge this reuleaux with the USB port on the mod. However, I also have 2 other sets of married VTC5s that are charged externally that I tried putting in the mod, and while the voltages were different, two things were consistent. Cell 1 = 0.00V, Cell 2 > 5V, and Cell 3 = Actual Voltage of all 3 batteries. Does anybody have any idea what would be going on here?? Seems to be something with the battery tray or its connection to the board, but I cannot rule out the board itself either since an eScribe update caused this to occur (although that seems like it may have been coincidental). Have you seen this happen before Evolv? If not, would you like me to send you mine for diagnostics and possible repair to help others that have/will run into this in the future? Or, if there is anything you think I should try on my end... I do know how to solder and work with batteries from years of RC experience. Sorry for the lengthy post, but I figured I might as well give as much information as possible so others don't spend 3-4 hours worth of troubleshooting that gets them nowhere.
I also have a failure to report on the original... Allegedly bombproof and problem free DNA200's (8/28/15 launch version). Working great all day and since I got it for almost 1 month and a half. Was happily vaping along... Went to take another puff, and all I got was the blue ring on the device. No red ring on charging, no possibility of connecting to escribe... It is dead.
IIRC, it means "if I recall (or remember) correctly".
Good deal... I just wanted to make sure I didn't fudge something up. Thanks for all of the help/updates John, I (and others) definitely appreciate it!
Yep, mine was definitely wobbly before my Circlip released itself that held the 510 assembly in place. Since putting the circlip back in place, now my atomizers sit flush and do not wobble or have gaps. On another note... Since upgrading my firmware to the 2015-07-29 version, I am unable to use the Get Information button... It returns an error: Unknown error "System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException". Is this normal? BTW, I am running Windows 10 Pro & Windows 8.1 Pro and the error appears on both.
I did not try to pull the whole assembly out when I had the case open since I did not remove the board. But, I do believe that it would allow you to slide out the 510 pin assembly with the circlip removed as long as the wire is flexible enough to slide it out without damaging the wire.
Monster, yep, so far my screen seems to be ok... I did not take the board screws out to physically check it out, but I would guess that it is probably ok seeing the positive and negative leads are soldered to the board. Hopefully they started doing that after fixing the screen issues? But, I am definitely on the look out for any weird happenings with the screen.
Well, I went ahead and got brave and cracked her open to see if I could figure out what is going on. I can also confirm that my positive and negative wires have also been soldered directly to the board as Monster mentioned. After cracking mine open, I noticed a loosely hanging circlip (photos) inside the case near the 510 connection. It appears that it has somehow pushed itself out of the detent that holds it in place which allowed the 510 pin to push down, but not return to the up position. After replacing the circlip, I can confirm that the vape is more consistent, and not giving me such bad resistance readings on my attys. However, it is still reading about 0.01 lower than my DNA 40's, but does not seem to make much difference in the vape quality at this point. The 510 Pin is still very stiff, and does not have much springiness to it at all? Hard to even call it a spring loaded 510 at this point... It does move up and down, but just barely. Upon reseating the circlip, the 510 pin is now straight without being crooked. I have attached some photos showing how the atty sat on the mod before the fix. Now, it sits flush as it should. Although my devices attach, something tells me that the circlip will dislodge itself again at some point in the future since the detent does not seem to securely hold it in place (and it popped out of place a few times trying to just put it back in). I can also confirm that the solder job is pretty bad at the 510, but does at least appear to be solid. My guess is The metal circlip was touching the exposed positive wire when it fell off causing most of the weird resistance readings. So, I suppose be on the look out for that issue.
Hello Everybody! Well, I unfortunately have another Hana V200 failure to report. I received my device yesterday and have had it running for around 20 hours now. While the device screen still functions perfectly (for now), I did discover yet another 510 related problem. The first device I screwed on was a Tugboat V2, and I immediately noticed that the 510 pin in the mod was crooked, and had very tight tension on it. Once I screwed down the atty, the 510 Pin did not spring back up as a normal spring loaded 510 pin should. This is just part one of the problem... Part 2: Because of the wonky 510 pin, I am also unable to get a consistent vape or consistent ohm readings on my atomizers (with Titanium GR1 & Steam Enginge TFR values - which is all I have tried). I have two DNA 40 devices that both report the correct resistance of the atomizer, but the V200 is consistently lower (around 0.02-0.05 depending on how it feels at any given moment). Because of this, Temp Protection kicks in almost immediately and does not allow me to get a sufficient amount of vapor. My guess is that the positive connection on the atomizer is not making a solid connection to the Hana's 510 pin... So, needless to say... At this point, I have an unusable V200 which will be going back to Hana hopefully sooner rather than later. I just thought I would share my experience here since I had not read of this specific issue as of yet... And of course, add one more to the list.