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Everything posted by hottwire

  1. Hello everybody well I'm in need of some help I'm looking for button caps for the fire sw I want it to be at least 12 mm and I want to be metal prefer it to be black with bezel around it all I can find is vamo buttons similar to the vaporMars bella wang DNA 200
  2. Yeah I'm using a 1550 P+ its's 3.5mm longer and 2.5mm wider but it has post unlike the CNC 1550 p
  3. Check out this item I found on eBay: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=321807609357&alt=web
  4. You think if I use open frame sled I won't have to mod it I also found one on ebay it's made for 1550p box that dnt need to b modding but it only comes in blk n it has that cheap 3d print to it
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