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Everything posted by dvandyne2011

  1. Good thread, I am researching heavily to build my first DNA 200. One thing i don't fully understand yet is what the specs are for charging from the board to the battery. The Lipo packs i'm looking at suggest charging at higher amps and i'm finding mixed reviews on the safety of on board charging at lower amps. Can anyone clear this up for me. I was planning to have a box that i did not have to charge externally but if it is an issue of safety then i will have to reconsider what goes in it.
  2. Thank you. I cant wait to get this one built. Gonna take it slow to be sure i get a quality device put together! Thanks for the help!
  3. I am planning a build and have most of the details figured out from reading the threads here. This subject is of particular interest as i have not found where anyone has built without using the JST connector. My question is... Can I eliminate the JST connector and just run wiring from the board to the sled? If so, what would the recommended wire size be for such application? I am planning a 2S build using 2 x 26650's. Space will be tight, i am hoping to never need to charge externally, but to keep the option to charge either way. Thanks in advance...
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