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Posts posted by sealmi

  1. Приветствую!

    В последней сборке EScribe2_SP12_INTL, присутствует ошибка. В настройках экрана, бывает самостоятельно выставляются значения, которые я не выбирал. А может просто считываются не правильно с устройства.

  2. hobbyquaker said:

    I made a little software (originally for macOS, but I added Linux support in the latest version), it's not a full Escribe replacement, it's only the device monitoring part:

    Until now I only tested in on Ubuntu, would be happy to hear if this works on other distributions and if it's useful for you.


    I like the program. Just have to run as root. To get access to the device. Another would be a list of all possible commands for the terminal. I look forward to the new version of the program! P.S. Linux Mint 18.1.
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