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Everything posted by HolmanGT

  1. Dirone, I have been using "EScribe Suite 2.0 SP19" since it first posted eons ago and never had any problems. Why don't you just give it a try, if it causes you any problems you can always revert back, just make sure you back up whatever you are using now before updating. Hope it solves your problem.
  2. maximumsport Are you asking or telling us SP19 is just down the road?
  3. I just noticed that the index (value number) does not change while you are sliding the slider until you let go.
  4. James, The only thing I have noticed is SP17 doesn't detect when there is a newer service pack available. I had to load 1_1_SP35_INT.sw-service manually. DNA 250C Windows 10 SP17 International Version
  5. gorman, Boy do I wish I had never gotten into this topic. First I read your post wrong and then when I read Jason's "DNA 75/250C" to mean it works with the DNA 75 . I should give up and just stay quiet.
  6. gorman, You should give Jason's "Enhanced Default DNA 75/250C theme that is posted; for international firmware" a try. I'll bet that will make your day. George
  7. Jason, Oops, I think I read what I wanted to see DNA75C but now I see he wants it for the DNA75. Sorry I led you astray Gorman. But I'll bet if he follows your suggestion he will have it working in now time.
  8. gorman, It has the boost function if you load the "International" version. George
  9. Maxi, The 1.2 SP33.2 must be a typo. Mine loaded: 1.1 SP33.2 also and if you look in the update directory on your computer there is NO version 1.2 SP33.2. I think James has his hands full juggling a half dozen hardware models and trying to integrate them all into one eScribe package.
  10. Twiq, Watch the two videos that Retird linked to. If I try to explain it you'll be more confused than you are now. The new DNA 250C actually uses a 400 watt capable board, Brandon claims the extra head room of the 400 watts can be taken advantage of in "Replay" mode. Anyway the videos will explain what Replay is. Oh - And Lost Vape has one that is do to come out any day now. Also the DNA75C will have new software to incorporate "Replay" but not until they finish dinking with the 250C.
  11. Retird, Thanks for the tip. That is one of the options I actually read and remembered. I have watch both videos and now I spend my time searching for the new Lost Vape Mod with the DNA 250C/400C chip-set. :-( George
  12. Twiq, I know what you mean about the boost. Most of my dual coil 24 Ga builds are a real pain without boost. I have to take a couple of primer puffs so the third is the puff I wanted in the first place.
  13. Twiq, I haven't heard of any damage from this problem but charging at 1 amp sounds like a good idea. Well maybe you'll get lucky and James will catch your post and reply here on-line. He is pretty good at picking up problem post, but considering this is Monday he probably walks into a fair backlog . Hang in and I'm sure they will fix you up. PS - Sorry I didn't pick up the firmware update in your screen-shot. George
  14. Twig, Did you apply the new firmware update when you moved up to EScribe Suite 2.0 SP12 ? The new firmware is supposed to fix the problem you are having. If you have the new 250 firmware and it is doing what you show in the screen capture I would suggest contacting Evolv's support guy and telling him your problem. George
  15. James, It would be a pretty dull world without you! Thanks, George
  16. @James, I am not real sure what you are asking in regards to the max temp? Anyway, I went into such a panic mode [FacePalm] when it didn't display actual temperature I just lost it. When I couldn't discover what was wrong I posted to you about "the problem". Then went back to playing around and discovered MY ERROR. spent a couple of minutes kick myself in the butt for posting to you about the problem so quickly. James, everything is working with the DNA250s and the new firmware as I would expect it to. I did replace my sub-ohm coils running Kanthal in Watts mode with a tank using Ni-200 in TC mode and everything performed as it should in Watts and TC mode. Sorry for alarming you,
  17. James, This new version 2.0 SP9 on a DNA 250 doesn't show Temperature Set until you tell it what temp should be and the Actual Temperature doesn't show at all. I now have two DNA 250s that do not display actual temperature in the Device monitor. Argh! My apologies to all, I was in power mode and didn't realize it then panicked when my two DNA250s didn't appear to be working. All is good with this update as far as I can tell. Really sorry James and all the folks on this forum. George
  18. Sorry about that James, I had thought the latest US version didn't have any firmware updates. Glad you caught that quickly before I led a lot of folks off base.
  19. Jeff, If you down load the international version you will get the SP27. If you down load the USA version it doesn't include the SP27. The International version updates Escribe to international and includes the firmware update SP27. Confusing - eh!
  20. mactavish, Then almost every American retailer sells them one line and B&M stores. "Go-figure" But I am sure glad they do.
  21. OK - John, thanks for setting me straight. You'll have to excuse me if I have trouble getting my head straight on all this garbage. Where I live I can go across the street to the local head shop and buy the latest and greatest "Bong" (designed yesterday) but it would be against the law to by a newly designed mod.
  22. I thought all the FDA "Certification crap" (or whatever they call it) was postponed until 2022. If that is true and there is every reason to believe it is then you can use or create new hardware/software until you are blue in the face until 2022.
  23. Gary, Don't panic, I have sent them a couple for repair in the past and they are usually fast as hell! and do really good work. George,
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