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    HCigar VT75 Nano

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  1. so resoldering that spot, attempt it or wait on evolv's response?
  2. so im wondering if we are thinking the board is fried or if it was a defective? so i have an idea of what is coming.
  3. Wayneo, Yes i can push the positive pin from on top of the 510 (like an atomizer would be attached to it) and on the under side, it returns to flush when i let up pressure from a screwdriver. but i can't push up from underneath. I hope thats what you're having me do. EDIT : The board i purchased was to replace the board that came with my Hadron Pro. So the non-board soldering was not touched.
  4. So using a pre-built coil to create the short in the output gnd connection, while watching Atomizer Analyzer, there was no change to the ohms. then using a screwdriver, and no change. so what's that mean
  5. i know seeing my monitor in the background is a bit difficult, but you can see the ? in there (i think/hope). so with an atomizer attached i get the same thing.
  6. that's the thing. My battery (a 4S lipo) isnt being seen/read by the board. neither is any atomizer i attached. I have a secondary mod that reads the atomizer with no issue. the charger i have for my lipos is i believe dying, so im not able to charge my lipos there. I believe i have an ohm meter somewhere. so, right now the primary issue would be getting the board to read both an attached battery, and attached atomizer.
  7. here are the best shot i can get of the 510 soldering points. am i the only one that thinks i can see a piece of solder that's laying a crossed the white line there
  8. i will get some pictures of the area that im unsure on my soldering or that i think there might be a "short" possible. when i had the battery in and it was plugged in to my pc, just after that screenshot of the device monitor, i was smelling hot solder and see the temp get up to 102. give me a bit and i will add some pictures to let others see if they can help.
  9. i believe i found the root problem, which i didnt check. so im chalking it up to being blond. I did not check to make sure that all my solder points and areas around such were clean and clear. if you look at the board temp, that give the first clue as to what is going on. I didnt check the soldering around the 510 pads at the top of the board. I took a few pictures with my phone, and i have a crossing connection. so it looks like ill be resoldering the top again. hopefully this will clear up some / or all of the issues.
  10. so now ive noticed that it doesn't seem to be charging my new batteries. Ovonic 4S Lipo 1300mah, I will link them after. From what i can see, all my solder joints are done properly, and the balance port as well, again from what i can see. How do i check to see if its charging or can charge? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096K45KMB?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title Thanks
  11. @Wayneo Thanks, i didnt notice that the ohms on the first profile were already set it on escribe, so that fixes that. i think that im going to have to search out the int 55.1 SP as i dont see it in the list of SP's available to me thru escribe. what are the more features that i would get? do they make that much more available over the US version? thanks again
  12. Hello Modders' I just replaced the 250C screen and board in my Hadron Pro, and everything soldered up nicely(first time really soldering) and plugged my LiPo battery in and everything came up. I noticed that withOUT my SC Ragnar tank on the mod, the resistance is showing at .66 ohms. ive done nothing more then solder, assemble, and connect it to a battery, then to my pc for escribe. so here's my questions. 1 Why am i see the .66 ohm on the mod without an atomizer? and where do i need to look? 2, Escribe is showing a SP update to 1.1 SP55.5 US, will this possible help with the issues in #1? Any help is appreciated. and if you need to see anything or know anything, ill provide what i can. Thanks Again Richie
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