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Posts posted by Kraken1210

  1. Cheers VapingBad, reading through that thread pieces all of this together. CDV probably didn't know there was a difference until after posting what they thought (understandably) were DNA40 screens out to customers. I've emailed to let them know I'm happy with what I received and highlight the whole red tab green tab thing.

  2. They do work with the DNA 200 but not the DNA 40. Quote from the forum info/QandA page. "Q: Will DNA40 large screens work with a DNA200? A: Large screens with the green tabbed film on them will work with the DNA40 and 200. Screens with the red tabbed film will only work on the DNA200. No components from any manufacturers other than Evolv are compatible with our boards, or have been tested."

  3. Update.... It's alive! They sent me screen's with a red tab on them that looked like they'd fit OK. Read on this forum the red ones are only suitable for the DNA200 and not the 40+200 like the green ones so that explains the email yesterday. Fitted it with the cable folded under the screen and without breaking anything on the first attempt as well. It's been a rollercoaster.


  4. Turns out the supplier to crèmedevape made a balls up, received this email tonight. Hello, We are writing to you today to inform you the Evolv DNA40 display screen you have purchase from us and we shipped is not the correct screen for your boards. We were informed by Evolv about the error after we had shipped your order out. We have been advised to inform you that you should not attempt to install the screen on your board because we it will not work properly. We apologise profusely for the mistake and we have taken action to get your delivery address to Evolv so they can send out the correct screens directly to you once they have new stock. We are told it will be a few weeks before they receive the correct screens from their supplier so bear with them please, you will receive the correct items as quickly as possible. Best Regards, I'm guessing from the grammer that the top paragraph is from the supplier in China. Sucks balls! At least CDV were prompt in letting me know.

  5. Yeah I maybe should have waited it out but I'm getting sick of vaping blind. Thanks for the confirmation it'll fit though that's good news. My other option was buying a DNA 40 kit and using the screen from that which would've been considerably more expensive. The whole situation is quite frustrating!

  6. Cremedevape has some large DNA 40 screens in stock again and they look identical to the DNA 200. I was put off with them saying that it'll only work with the DNA40 and no other board but I've bit the bullet any way and ordered two to sort out my hamfisted attempt at performing the ribbon fix on my Rolo+have another screen spare in case I balls it all up again! Hopefully it'll be good to go and I'll have a Reuleaux with a working display again by the end of this week fingers crossed! Check http://www.cremedevape.com/epages/yxve46fvrnud.mobile/?ObjectPath=/Shops/yxve46fvrnud/Products/EVOLV-08

  7. Got an email from crèmedevape earlier today saying they've got some DNA screens in : ) Apparently the large dna40 screen is identical to the 200 so I've ordered a couple to try and fix my rolo screen which I broke earlier last month. I'll let you know how I get on. Here's the link if you're interested http://www.cremedevape.com/epages/yxve46fvrnud.mobile/?ObjectPath=/Shops/yxve46fvrnud/Products/EVOLV-08

  8. Thank you! Good to know that someone else has shared the unfortunate situation and its not just my clumsy ass! It's quite a humbling experience breaking something that's fully functional whilst trying to modify it to prevent another issue. You live and learn though, until now I was used to simple mech mod's that got abused daily with minimum maintainence. I've ended up with the Lavabox and a Reuleaux in the space of a month and its like riding a pushbike for years and then settling into a 1000hp Bugatti for the daily commute. There are big screen DNA 40 boards available at a local vendors website and I'm tempted to get one just for the screen but think I'll hold out... For now

  9. I need to keep my insomniac fiddling limited to coil builds and do this type of stuff in the morning after ive properly read and digested the instructions with some coffee in me!
    Turns out I've snapped the top section of the glass under the epoxy because I hadn't seated it 100% correctly before attempting to put the front back on :(.
    20151208_003427_003-1.jpgAlso explains why half the screen was working after the first try. It still connects to fine to Escribe and vapes great but Ive cut the ribbon back and put electricians tape over it to prevent any shorts to the main board just to be on the safe side.
    Looks like im waiting patiently in the que for screens from stealth vape when they come back in stock, found a detailed guide that recommends gently bending the ribbon with a credit card in specific points to make installation easier. 


  10. Bugger it! Busted my screen trying this because I repeatedly folded the ribbon trying to get it underneath with a plastic stick that was probably (it was) too large for the job.
    Had only the top half of the screen working after my first attempt and now its totally blank after fiddling around more, I didn't realize how fragile the ribbon is.
    Looks like im vaping super stealth mode until more screens come in stock.

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