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Perfectionist problems(randomness)

Ken Nutter

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Anyone else drive them self crazy sometimes being a Perfectionist? Example: Opus200 opened box and was hugely disappointed there isn't a micro USB cord and the pamphlet(paper) I mean @ least put the specs of chip on it. What temp, lowest ohms, etc. Just the basics. Let alone how RDA's don't sit perfectly flush and the beveled edge makes RDA overhang slightly at top. I mean it's a $250 device. Also bought an mini Stro V2 today and was just wow tobecco has better machining onbthere clones(well some of them) its not bad just isn't awesome. Just random Vape thoughts. Have a great day(I know my grammar is poop just for you other Perfectionist) lol :)

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I do get that "perfect" isn't realistic most of time but good-damn good is. You know. Just do the best you can and don't shortcut things. " If you don't have time to do it right the first time. When will you have time to do it over again." Or something like that is how quote goes. Lol

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