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Best practices for using impedance override/locking on OEM ni200's


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EDIT: Upon doing some googling it seems the vast majority of people wind up with these atty's reading .20 and above. This post should be deleted. My bad.

This is a question about using the impedance over-ride of a DNA75 board that involves a question about atomizers, so I apologize for not being 100% on topic. 

The question: If I've got a tank reading resistances that are mild to moderately fraked, should I have eScribe tell the board to pretend the resistance is the one spec'd, the lowest the tank reads, the median, or just let it be unstable? I don't even know if it is safe to do this to the board!

(Note: I'm using a Therion. Between checking ohm readings, tanks were let to set to room temperature for 30 minutes between tests on a room-temperature towel. Tanks were full of identical eliquid)

My current primary tanks (2 VaporFi vSix's and a SMOK TCT) were almost perfect. I tested two ni200 atty's in each of these; all impedance measured +/- .01 ohm.

I just bought a Kanger Protank Evolved 4, and with the OEM NI200 atty's that are spec'd for .15ohm consistently read between ~.19ohm and ~.24ohm. I tested three ni200 atty's from the same pack.

I then tried the Kanger on my now-retired VaporFi VOX 60TC and it is wild there too --- once it didn't even register it as a TC coil -- it found .23ohm, .19ohm, and .21ohm.

- Jas

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