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  1. Hey, I recognised that my sxk billetbox cant went of sleep if the battery is lower than 60% I already post that it cant see the battery if it under 60%, and now i understand that it cant went of sleeping mode, but if i put usb in it, it will start normally working after i pull out it
  2. Yeah i bought it from another user, it has been sold in 09/2024, just half an year from shop, so i dont expect that. I think that the problem can be in negative contact with battery, i thought that the paint of the device can just block the voltage, so i wanna try to clear the paint under negative contact and maybe buy a nut for it And I cant found the "help desk"😕 Thank you!!
  3. Maybe Ive done something wrong The battery is 18650 3.7v, charged at about 60 percent i think, and it isnt old https://sun9-70.userapi.com/impg/YmnsBIOW82wLkEZL1-ULZa-A7SXn2_WRY95roA/giTfsT5PdjM.jpg?size=1280x720&quality=95&sign=215366b4f75bd46e8d84d51ed01c4fab&type=album
  4. Hello everyone. I just got sxk billetbox with dna 60 and found a two problem. My device doesnt see the battery if it not charged at about 80%+-. But it turning on when I connect microusb, and start normally working without it And device just stop working and turning off at about 40%. I have default settings in Escribe. The cell soft cutoff is 2.75. My batteries is new and my other devices dont have that problem Thank you for helping!!
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