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  1. i see, so, for me to understand, would you call my mod deffective?
  2. yeah that's why what that guy said sounded like bullshit, he boasted about knowing electronics and shit but....... would you call it bullshit too?
  3. well, the contentious point of the guy that is overseeing my case on the shop i bought it, the one that tested it with a coil with no cotton in it (LMAO) said that running the test on another mod such as my tita aio wasnt a good comparison because it runs at a higher resistance, meaning lower amperage... i honestly don't know much on the subject, i'm just a scuba diving instructor... so i don't know what or who to belive. these are the tests i did run with my tita aio x2, i did run with the same battery, less charge, what i did observe is that the voltage cuttof is at 3,2 and then progressively goes down to 3,1, while with the parsons is flat out at 3 and the wattage is throttled while with the tita is stable.
  4. welp, i get your point, tad disappointed is all... wanted to use it with my mtl .9ohm but also with my rdta .2... i see ima gonna have to use higher impedance resistances...
  5. i don't have the mod anymore cuz i sent it back assuming it was botched, nevertheless, i did try with p26a and p28b and with both it wasnt stable at 80w. thank you very much for your help, so i must assume now that i was just pushing it to the very limit? and with .2 ohm resistances the chip just can't deliver the 80 watts and it is working as intended and is not a botched mod?
  6. I appreciate your help very much, tbh im a tad disappointed because you're doing more testing than the the lad that rested my mod on the shop (i sent it back), he did test it in dry and without even cotton... that's no way of properly testing a mod yet say that the mod is fine when in my opinion it aint...
  7. finally did the tests, these are the results i've been told by the shop where i bought it that it is to be expected that a single battery mod will only give max power when battery is fully charged, even a brand new p28b. somehow i doubt it and feeling scammed.
  8. Hello, thank you for your detailed explanation. I've done some testing with the p26a and with with a p28b and a tita x2 aio and with the parsons, which is the one it seems i'm having the issue. Screenshot 1 titled tita X2 aio: -atomizer is tita rba with a .45 coil running at 80w.graphs: 1. p26a (the one giving the weak battery message on the parsons mod. 2. p28b Screenshot 2 titled parsons: -atomizer THC Artemis II TC RDTA with two coils at 0.2 ohm total running at 80w. graphs: 1. p26a WEAK BATTERY warning 2. p28b 3. p26a WEAK BATTERY warning I've never had issues so i've never meddled with escribe so i'm not sure how to interpret these graphs, hopefully with these tests with different bateries and mods and atomizers you'll be able to pinpoint the issue, if it's the mod or if it's the battery. Your help is very much appreciated.
  9. no, sorry, it's the brand new vaper's cloud parsons.
  10. batteriy contacts are mint, i screwed them down as i always do on my mech mods, my hog 400, my aios, and the parsons i just bought, solder joints, they aint protected batteries... i thought i posted this in the dna 80c subforum?? don't get me wrong, i'm not blaming the board, if something's to blame is the battery, it's just that's supposed to be a relatively new battery far from it's life cycle... :S is there any configuration i can tune in escribe to make it better?
  11. Batteries are 11 month old, where brand new molicel p26a, not charged on a daily basis, charged around 100 times, maybe even less, changed wraps 4 days ago, spotless, running at 70w, 0.2ohm coils, batteries have 3,8v remaining and i get the weak battery message... wtf?
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