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Personal Information

  • Full Name
    Gerogios Didaskalou
  • Location
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Thelena Solo 100w

didas's Achievements

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  1. Yes I am, I just started using a mod so I guess it will do. Thanks for the help again.
  2. Thank you for the reply and sorry for the picture quality... Old Phone and bad lighting. Your comment sounds very reasonable, this must be it.
  3. Hello to all, I have a Thelena Solo 100w its somehow new, I bought it used but its not older than a year or so. On the screen of the device, in the about menu it says Version 1.0 don’t know if its relevant to my question which follows… I tried to connect it with several USB C cables and on 2 different machines (PC & Mac). All I get is the charge icon on both machines(as it should I guess). However, the escribe software which I downloaded yesterday on the pc and today on the mac doesn’t seems to recognize the device. Reading through several post through the forum, I tried different approaches which worked for other users but still nothing. So the questions is if there is anything else on the device maybe… like a menu to enable the usb port??? or can it be, that it is a faulty usb port… or am i doing something wrong which is also a big possibility. Regards
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