Hello to all,
I have a Thelena Solo 100w its somehow new, I bought it used but its not older than a year or so. On the screen of the device, in the about menu it says Version 1.0 don’t know if its relevant to my
question which follows…
I tried to connect it with several USB C cables and on 2 different machines (PC & Mac). All I get is the charge icon on both machines(as it should I guess). However, the escribe software which I downloaded yesterday on the pc and today on the mac doesn’t seems to recognize the device.
Reading through several post through the forum, I tried different approaches which worked for other users but still nothing.
So the questions is if there is anything else on the device maybe… like a menu to enable the usb port??? or can it be, that it is a faulty usb port… or am i doing something wrong which is also a big possibility.