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Dieseljesus last won the day on August 1 2024

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  1. Hey buddy, I got a mail late last night where the customer service order was canceled and I haven't had the time to get back to them. It would be nice to get it solved finally since the San DNA80C is worthless unless I want to carry 10 batteries with me. This whole ordeal is like a joke really. Let's catch up some day on discord buddy!
  2. Vaperz Cloud have been ghosting me and @EagleRock which is sad. Both me and him sent mails to the UK sales and support contact and they have been awesome before but now, just silent. To be honest, the San with Dna80 is a disappointment that feels more and more useless every day and I'd rather use something like my Pulse V2 with one battery per workday rather than the San with 3-6 batteries... It's just ridiculous
  3. We have contacted Vaperz Cloud now to see what they say and if I understand @EagleRock correctly the support at Vaperz Cloud reported back that they got atleast one customer that had these problems. Now let's see how this evolves
  4. I believe I hit 3 volts as well with a pretty new battery.. Lowest was 2.99 when I took a puff
  5. Here´s my data. I hope i did it correctly. It was a quite new battery. I believe i got this early July. Freshly charged. Popped it in and did a test with 6 puffs. First i did 3 puffs, screenshotted and i didnt get a volt reading because i forgot to point the mouse (around 3 volts for every puff). Thats when it showed 93% after 3 puffs... did three more, screenshotted and also screenshotted the battery level which is now down to 86%. 6 puffs apparenty takes 14% which makes sense with the 30-50 puffs me and @EagleRock have been noticing. Tell me if you need any more data.
  6. I can supply more data from escribe later when I'm not on the road. Until then here's my firmware and puffs: SAN DNA80C: PUFFS: 510 FIRMWARE: 78 ---- BLAZE DNA80C: PUFFS: 255 FIRMWARE: 78 --- I can't really count the times I've changed battery on these and especially the San. 15? 20? I know it's up there because I was at my summerhouse with 10+ batteries and they lasted just a few days. Now I'm on another trip and the trip up to this place which was 3 hrs took 2 batteries itself. It's like @EagleRock says, it feels like you get 30,40 or 50 puffs from a battery max. That's why I'm not using the San anymore while I'm here and only the blaze now since it seems to be more battery efficient.
  7. I'm usually running 0.20 and 0.15 on 55-75w on both the San, blaze and Stubby. No boost.
  8. I have been testing the blaze a bit more now and I can say that on the same settings and with the same tank as on the San DNA80C, the blaze performs better. I can't give any numbers but it feels like a battery on the Blaze last for at least 2-3 times what it would do on the San DNA80C. Out traveling now but when I'm back I can see if I can get some more data. Right now I can't use the San because frankly it would drain my batteries completely before I had the chance to recharge them and the Blaze is much better. However, the Blaze can't beat my Stubby, San V1 non DNA, Raga AIO, Zaion etc. It would be awesome devices if we could get a better performance curve or a fix to sort out battery usage.
  9. All my cells are bought between April and June this year and I have about 15 of them so I highly doubt that the age got anything to do with it. Add to that that I have around 30+ vapes and many of them with internal batteries. Most of my batteries had like 5-10 charges at most before I got the DNA80C chips. In comparison. I can run my stubby and for one battery on that one I need to change 3-4 times on the San DNA80C
  10. I always swap when I lose too much flavor. The battery level indicator is showing empty on the display. However, I think I start to lose flavor a bit earlier than when battery level is showing empty. I believe I'm using molicels as well but rewrapped a few times so not sure
  11. Can only agree. SAN and Blaze DNA80C and at 75w on the San i use up at least 3 batteries for one tank. This is by far the worst performing chip in any of my vapes which is kinda sad since it seemed really good and comes at a premium price.
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